kk and I have been doing this over the weekend. Words that sound alike:
dough or doe
two, too or to
hi or high
do or due
there, their or they're
weight or wait
whey, way or weigh
okay, let's take it from here...kk will not be out-done...just to warn you guys! She is tough.
Korean dining spot opening soon in Hales Corners
3 hours ago
Also know as homonyms...
I'll start us off: wretch or retch.
It becomes addictive.
laid or layed
hair, hare
so, sew
do, dew
bear, bare
fare.. fair
ate.. eight
gait.. gate
see.. sea
want more?
How about some food and drink?
beet or beat
steak or stake
brews or bruise
fowl or foul
rye or wry
boar or bore
bean or been
chili or chilly
ale or ail
pear or pair or pare?
Beejay is right, I'm a maniac. I'm awful, or should I say... ***aweful***?
do, due
whine, wine
eight, ate
new, knew
you guys are all nuts... lol.. I think I like the orbs one the best.. either one works for me.. unless off is after
yolk, yoke
bough, bow
lay, lei
Someone has to say it...
sex in sects?
kk.. I think orbs covered the sex part of this.. lol
lye, lie
dye or die! Stop, I have to stop....
faze or phase
To, too, two, So their, they're, there!
Honey or Honey?
key or cay. (although they are really pronounced differently, I guess.) But we all say 'key' for 'cay' down here.
more and moore
right and write
stop and stop, please Beejay stop!
night and knight. And with that 'g-night!'
wale and whale
clothes and close
mode and mowed
chews and choose
woe and whoa
Gee, beejay, thanks for stirring this up again. (NOT) Is it any wonder that people have trouble learning English?
You and ewe
I just looked through,
no blue or blew.
May, Mae
pane and pain
per and purr
for and fore and four
one and won.
rued and rude
tacks and tax
scene and seen
Here's a little morning immaturity:
seamen and semen
Think, Thank, Thunk...
Good grief!
And if you have an accent,
then and than...those two get used incorrectly all the time.....
Oh time and thyme!
Waist waste
loan and lone
be, bee
bawl or ball
I didn't know we were still doing this.
bail and bale
sail and sale
pail and pale
hail and hale
veil and vale
orbs you are on a roll or taking a role.
sight, site
seine, sane
beau, bow
stair, stare
meet, meat
deer, dear
leased least
wry, rye
dough, doe
No one told me we were STILL playing!
wood or would
pie or pi
shoe or shoo
flower or flour
sic or sick
chase or chaise
Let's not forget about names....
fill or Phil
knick or Nick
bet or Bette
share or Cher
Ha ha... just though of a funny combo.
chased or chaste
muscle or mussel??? mustered or mustard?
Apple or a$$#ole, oops... that only works if you are holding your tongue! ;>
carrot or karat
which or witch
one or won
You must stop beejay!
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