Today has been quite a day for me. First of all, I step out onto my lovely lanai to see a baby ringnecked snake...about the size of an earthworm...sorry, it is still a snake...and now it is residing in the drain system that is part of my lanai (holes for water to drain out into the yard). Icky...and eeeeeek.
Next I decide to take a little doxie for a walk only to be met by some nutcase of a woman with a large, large brown cur type dog on a retractable leash. Only she does not retract the leash. Instead, she allows the dog to wrap its leash around my legs and the cute little 12 lb doxie that I am walking does the same in an effort to get away for the monster dog. Wiener dog is scared...I'm trying to stay upright...doesn't work. Next thing I know, I am on the ground with a skinned knee and a very frightened wiener dog on my lap. The monster dog is still wrapped around me. I can't get up....I am literally hog tied by two dog leashes.
Bloodied, but still in pretty good spirits, I get us away from this nutty woman and her 'sweet' dog, who wouldn't hurt a flea. Hey, I'm not a flea, so guess I'm fair game!
Continuing around the block and almost home...the door of the house next to mine flies open, out comes a woman with two toddlers running about. Next comes a big, black dog of questionable heritage. Ah hah, it sites me with the poor little wiener dog. I see him and grab the doxie. The black cur (aren't they all curs?) comes bounding over wanting to make friends. This one at least is a nice dog. The woman grabs kids and somehow we get her dog back in the house.
At this point, I skiddaddled home. Now, I think it is time for me to tend to this wound, which is bleeding nicely....grrrrr.
I think I will stay in the house tonight....who knows what else is out there waiting for me!
Poor beejay. Poor wiener. He has such a friendly face.
Typical Florida day dealing with all the crazies...is it any wonder I miss it!
Take care of yourself and heal up.
Drink two martinis and call Madame Zoltar in the morning. Hope you recover nicely.
It seems there's been a rash of dog bites in Racine. Irresponsible owners!
Wanna take my dog, Harley, for a walk? :P
And after all this a red van with a WI plate drives by...and on the plate is "Mrs. Toad." I think I was set up by Toad!
And now what is living under my hot tub...eeeeeeeek.
My hat is off to you Beejay for maintaining control.
I cannot stand people who let their dog do stuff like that. I am not a pet lover and if the dog would have gotten me tied up...I would have been on that woman like stink on shit!!!!
Darn old internet...lost my comment.
Thanks, SER. The owner of the cute little wiener dog I was walking said something along the same lines. Miss Sable was fine and I am a little sore, but really okay. Stupid broad. Hope never to see her again.
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