Our superlative and elegant Packers did it again, mauling the Bears for the second time this season. Now the Steelers lie ahead. They’re on a losing streak and we’re on a winning streak. I’m already at work on a charm to keep it that way, a magnetic one that should stick to the ignoble defending champions like the smell of defeat. Ooh, I get excited talking about the Packers and sports and sweat. Pardon me.
I received an emailed missive last week from the scholarly and professorial Mr. Hale-Bopp. It was entitled, “Are You Abusing Your Power?”
Dear Madame Zoltar,
I fear this guys vs girls blogging contest is getting out of control. I have been trying to post a blog and kept getting errors and fear that you are using your powers to thwart the guys from posting the blogs that we are inspired to write.
I hope I am mistaken and this is just an unfortunate coincidence, but you do show some competitive fight when you start talking about your rival psychics.
Let's keep it clean!
Oh my, Mr. Hale-Bopp, I would never use my powers for wrong. That would be, well, wrong. But, is it wrong to grant a smidgen of help to a gender which has been historically oppressed, often enslaved, since the dawn of man? How could it be wrong to lend a hand to some of your dear and loving JT Irregular friends? Can it be so wrong to assist in a fight that is so right?

No, Mr. Hale-Bopp, I am not abusing my powers or playing dirty. I’m just doing what men have done for millennia: I’m taking care of business. As the other psychics that you mentioned have learned, Madame Zoltar does not stand down from a challenge and will do whatever it takes to win. You’ll probably agree with me when you get back online, if ever.
There were no other messages detected by my computer’s SETI array this week.
With all of the depressing news coming out of Washington, and everywhere else, it’s hard for me to maintain the Christmas spirit sometimes. What I often need to do is to slow down and take some time to reflect on my blessings. Many in our country and our city have suffered grave economic losses in the past months and do not have a very bright Christmas to look forward to. This is a great time to donate food to pantries or clothing to charities and shelters. You may not be able to afford to give much, but perhaps you have a coat or jacket in good shape that you haven’t worn in years. Or you could shovel an elderly neighbor’s sidewalk. Bake a pie for a shut-in. [If it’s apple, I’ll stay in for it. ;) ] Look around you and you will find a need. Maybe you can help fill it. I believe that it truly is better to give than to receive, because you grow when you give.
If you still have the holiday blues, here’s a Mr. Bean video to cheer you up:
That’s my blog for this week, my dears. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedules to spend some of it with me. It’s hard to believe that in a little over a week, another Christmas will be here. I hope that we do see some peace on earth.
Remember to send your holiday greetings to madamezoltar@jtirregulars.com.
Ho-ho-ho, don’t forget your hat and mittens. Plutonium!
Some people hate Mr. Bean. I can't help but giggle.
Mr. Bean is way to crazy.
Madame Zoltar, you have any outlook where I can find a couple good money producing trees?
With all the money the Feds are passing out and now Unified acting stupid again...sorry I mean still, I need to supplement my income with something.
Mr. SER, perhaps you could be an artist and sell something to the city of Racine. Or a consultant. Everyone and everything in Racine loves consultants. You could be a consultant for RUSD and for the city, making conflicting recommendations. You could milk that for years. Oh my, there are so many ways to bilk a bureaucracy.
I think Mr. Bean is a hate-him or love-him type guy. I used to watch his show occasionally, but I couldn't imagine watching an entire movie of his stuff.
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