Have you ever just had one of those years
when gravity has it in for you??
I mean REALLY in for you???
They tease me at work alot, as this past year I've taken
WAY too many tumbles. So much as that they insisted
that I should blog about it.
Let's see how my memory goes on this -
Early in the year I fell getting out of my car at work,
on ice, I did the splits in the most ungraceful way possible.
I actually tore my back leg muscle.
(Special thanks to Abby for taking me to the DR!)
Not long after that, I had a mishap with
an unseen piece of ice, same leg.
I didn't fall but it did cause my bad leg
to shoot forward and really tick off the torn muscle :(
I recovered from that, hoping that would be the end of it.
OH NO....
Not for me....
Maybe I should audition for the elderly lady's spot??
Again at work, I went to the basement to get something,
lights were off, and before I could get to the light switch,
fell hard on a very wet floor...
my knee took the brunt of it, and quickly
it swelled up - huge.
Hmm, never saw anything like it!
I recovered from that,
( like I'm the energizer bunny or what???)
We were getting ready for a big one day promotion,
so we had stuff everywhere.
Good to be prepared, right??
Not for me...
As I was trying to get around a pile,
my shoe, of all things, gets stuck on the corner,
and you guessed it,
down she goes....
Starting to feel like the born loser here!!
oh, that one was mostly to my 'good' knee....
All is going well and fine, til 2 weeks ago...
I was heading back to get change for someone,
when my right foot found a small, flat piece of
cardboard, that it mistook for a skateboard....
of course, unknown to the rest of me....
and down I went, just like a cartoon mishap.
Honestly, somebody has it in for me,
this has NOT been my year.
I'm sure there were more.
but I think I have a mental block!!
This next years resolution is to
tho there is talk of trying to find a bubble for me, you know, something on the idea of a hamster ball, but padded!! and allergies proof!!
Thank God, you're not on rollerskates :P
Maybe you should get one of those scooters that they make for the elderly and disabled.
I'm pretty sure my mom is entitled to one via the Scooter Store and Medicare and her private insurance, although she can't see very well. I'm trying to talk her into getting one so that I can bomb around on it in the hallways of my building. Maybe put chains on it and take it out in the snow.
Here's an idea, Lizardmom: put suction cups on the bottom of your shoes.
We need to roll you up in bubble rap!!
ooooo, a bubble wrapped hamster ball, now you're talking!!
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