I'm aware that some teasing and practical jokes go on in the place, but this was downright malicious! A workplace is a place where professionalism and courtesy take priority. Everybody's got a right to a peaceful working environment. After seeing the victim walking around looking downtrodden and beaten like a dog, I decided to say something. I mentioned the incident to the supervisor. He mentioned that there was little that he could do about the cell phones, but he will look into all teasing and that goes on and take action. After all, workplaces can be sued for incidents like these....

Just last night, my son and I were having dinner at a local restaurant. We noticed that a noticed a handicapped lady with a walker was having a hard time pushing open a door. Someone threw fries at her! WTF! I was disgusted! My son then got up and opened the door for her. That's my boy! He has a kind heart where others do not.
All these incidents has got me thinking. Where has the compassion gone is this world? Is being mean to other people really that funny? Has this generation gone to crap? I guess I was raised differently. I was taught to be compassionate towards others less unfortunate than I am.....
Yes, it is. I admit I did some things in my high school days which I am not proud of in this respect, but most of us probably did.
Almost paid for it in 2009. At a U of A football game, an obnoxious person behind me was calling opposing fans and players "fags" and I said something to him (my seats are right next to the visitor's section and right where the visitor's team comes out). When he went after a female fan of the opposing team for being "a fat cow", well, he got an earful from me and I am glad security got there when they did as I think I was about to take a punch from a drunk fan (well, maybe I should say I was about to be forced to subdue a drunk fan...he wouldn't have stood a prayer if he went there).
Hale, I'm glad that you said something! I just blows my mind how people say mean and hurtful things just for kicks!
Kids can be idiots sometimes. Kids can be cruel too. We have to take the initiative to say something when we see it. Usually, you will get an apology. If there is a group of them and they need to save face, probably not. I think some kids are never corrected at home.
I'm with teens all the time and they can be very wonderful people too. I haven't given up hope yet on the younger generation.
I find it much easier to accept occasional bad behavior from a kid, than I can accept bad behavior from adults. Seems that I see plenty of that everywhere lately.
When humans gather in groups, they sometimes feel the need to select a scapegoat or two. I don't why. Chickens will pick one of their own out and peck it to death. Having been on the receiving end of more than my share of taunts and attacks growing up (my family was "different"), I feel a deep and abiding loyalty to the underdog, often accompanied by an equally deep and abiding loathing for the "overdog."
Compassion is a lost art, and so is simple respect for others. Is it because of TV? Movies? Music? The internet? Useless parents? Lack of religion? I don't know.
I completely agree, people are getting meaner and just down-right awful to others, glad it's not everybody, but their numbers are sadly growing :(
A friend of mine just told me about a bumper sticker she saw that said:
"Humankind - be both."
I am surprised that people do nice things once in a while. A man opened the door for me once and I thought 'how nice'. He said Your welcome...implying I didn't say Thank you. Made me feel like a jerk. I have run into more people who will offer help when needed. I always think of people whose car is stuck in traffic and if there is a woman or child involved I always ask if they need help/ride. So I'm late to where I'm going..it really doesn't matter.
In a nutshell. I wrote. Nobody gives a crap about anybody today. The whole world changed in the early 60s?
Thank you everyone for your points of view. Although, there are some truly compassionate people out there, but the numbers are diminishing.
I think I could explain that. I was raised to be kind to others, but there is a downside to that. People take advantage of it. They use it for their own gain. It sucks. It kind of pushes me into a shell. If I try to be a little more assertive, I'm looked at as some kind of an a$$hole. People wonder why I tend be anti social at times.
I disagree. I think the compassionate ones are just quieter about it. I truly believe they are out there in more numbers than what these opinions reflect. There are plenty of jerks too, there always was... it just seems more obvious because they stick out. Don't stop looking.
KK, I hope you are right. After reading the local news and seeing the stuff I saw, it makes me wonder...
Drew, there are compassionate people out there...today I ran ito a less than compassionate guy...but then the next person was one of the ICU nurses I knew When Doug was in the hospital down here. Do you know, these folks still stop to see me at the library??? I told her I was doing well and blah, blah, blah...caring folks are out there...the uncaring ones are the people we all remember...the caring ones, we seem to forget...why is that?
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