Let's hear it from you guys, what irks you...really irks you.
I'm going to ponder mine for a while so I can come up with the one that really makes my blood pressure rise!
Not the toilet paper thing....
Not even the old lady in the ten items or less check-out with 4000 items....
Aaaah, the two people in the handicapped electronic chair/carts at WalMart next to each other, blocking the entire aisle. Maybe that's it....Nah, back to pondering for me.
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
Such a girl thing to complain about, but when my husband folds the towels and sheets wrong.. I know it's one of the most petty things to complain about but it really gets to me.
There is not enough room on the internet for me to list all of my peeves.
Reading the newspaper and watching TV regarding all the things the government is coming up with for the betterment of all of us. It is almost funny as I try to think of what they will come up with next that has to be enacted into law NOW!
Fold sheets????? Nah, off the bed, right back on...see no folding involved. Problem solved.
I CAN NOT STAND hearing people eat. I don't want to hear or see your chips or gum or anything.
Like, really, did your mothers teach you nothing??
Dirty sink filled with dirty dishes.
People who lick their fingers when eating, smacking their mouth...
Websites that tell me my PW is wrong.
That's just a start..
don't let us stop you, DA!!!!
I dislike rude people. People who make fun of folks with disabilities...
People who walk into a store, through the door and STOP!
It is like, get the f**k out of the way! Never been in a store before?
My biggest pet peeve du jour: people who are inept at their jobs and are too arrogant or refuse to admit it. All the while they cover for themselves, they take the glory for others work and intelligence, and then garner a huge salary they do not deserve... It especially bothers me when their ineptitude causes others harm or distress. How do they sleep at night?
They have no souls, kk, so they don't need to sleep. Really, I am constantly amazed by how many people lack a conscience. After all these years, you'd think I'd learn.
I'm laughing with SER on that thing with people suddenly stopping after entering stores. One of my biggest peeves is the rudeness of other shoppers. My theory is that people who are a-holes with their carts in a store are the same with their cars on the road.
Madelynnnn and SER: I have to admit. Those would easily qualify as things that really tick me off. I must say, the noise people make when eating probably WINS. Darn near makes me want to leave the table.
KK: I love the BUSY people. You know the ones that run (literally) around all day with papers or something in their hands LOOKING BUSY. The BOSS loves them, thinks their REAL go-getters, when actually they NEVER really get anything done. REASON. Their TOO stupid.
Sorry folks, Gotta get off of this subject. It's what made me NUTS.
Why Not - I am with you there. I don't let it get to me too much anymore as I realized that my way isn't always the right way. He folded them which meant I didn't have to.
I'm in on the one with people stopping when they get into a store. Or they let their kids roam wild in a store. Drives me nuts.
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