It's labeled an Independence Day Quiz, but it's good for any day:
The site says:
"Our quiz is made up of 20 questions which were once used on the actual citizenship test. We've added a few curveballs-- The last ten questions may be a bit harder, but a score of around 24 out of 30 is considered a passing grade."
History was not a good subject for me in school. (Nor was geography.) I did not expect to do well on this test. As it progressed, I did a lot of 'educated' guessing (e.g., I thought the president is limited to 2 successive terms, but could run again later, so I guessed 4).
Anyway, my results:
"Your Score is 23
Congratz, you Pass! You should be proud."
Whew, barely made it. Just like back in school...
Fiserv appoints PNC executive as president, CEO-elect
44 minutes ago
Y'know, if you do the math, 70% of 30 questions is 21. Isn't 70% the usual cutoff for a C grade?
I thought 70 was the cut off for a D.
And I'm not embarrassing myself by taking this test...LOL....
I got 26 but was frustrated because two of my misses were because I misread the question! I answered how many years in a full term for president (the question wanted representative), and the question that asked what year the last amendment was ratified, well, I misinterpreted the question as meaning what year was the amendment mentioned in the LAST (previous) question ratified, not the most recent amendment.
The two I really did not know were both in the last 10 and probably have never been on a real citizenship test (how many amendments have been proposed and not ratified and which of those presidents was born in Texas).
I had a suspicion that the Texas birth thing was a trick question. But I picked Bush, anyway.
Come on, Beejay. You can always lie. Who would know the difference?
I think you're right about the 70% = D. See, you're smarter than me already.
Nope...I will remain in the dark on this one....LOL...
When I was in school 70% was a C for the "normal" classes and in the AP classes 70% was a D..
I got 23 right as well.. at least I passed.. =)
I am a bad American...20
24. Wow, you think you know things and find out you don't.
I knew it wasn't Bush born in Texas but after I looked at my answers I had picked him anyway. What is up with that?
28 out of 30. The impeachment and assassination questions got me.
Right from the start, I knew I should pick another state, as not to embarrass Wisconsin. I failed the test, but at least I was near the top of the bell curve.
History has never been my strong point. Makes me wonder how I even passed history class. Seems that all we did in class was memorize dates of wars for tests just to forget them a week later. I'm certain anything I know on that topic, I've learned it as an adult. This proves that I need to go brush up on the Constitution or maybe move to Canada.
Tell ya what. It ain't easy. I got a lousy 19 and find it REALLY embarrassing. I REALLY screwed up on the number of Senators. I knew It was two per state, but STILL said 50. DUH.
I had an AP history class once.. and only once.. It was awful.. that only lasted one year and I barely squeaked by.. Just like KK says.. you remember enough to pass the test then it's gone forevermore.
I got 18...and I lived through most of it!
You can forget facts, which is why when was teaching, I wanted students to learn to question, think and analyze. That's a skill you don't forget, but it can screw you up for the rest of your natural life.
I at least partially succeeded based on the number of emails I get from former students who notice things about bad science/astronomy in movies and television!
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