Here is an old photo...from November of 2004. I was in Florida for the launch of the Swift satellite. There was a mission briefing for all the people who worked on the mission and their families there for the launch. We came out after the briefing to head over to the party and the rocket garden was beautifully lit with a crescent Moon to boot. This was taken with my first digital camera (a Nikon...forget the model number), not the nice Canon DLSR I have now. Still, I think it came out nice and holds fond memories of that day (which was one of those rare almost perfect days in life).
You can feel the pent up energy and excitement from the picture. Thanks, as always, for sharing with us.
I was just thinking of the incredible amount of energy we have to expend to escape earth's gravity. Those humongous rockets to send up little capsules and satellites.
Nice pic, hale.
Awesome picture!
Real nice pic Bobster
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