I went to KFC today to get food for a friend. I ordered a two piece meal and gave the man behind the counter the specifics. He pointed to the sign behind him and asked, “Do you want the separate two piece meal, which comes with two sides and a biscuit, but no drink?” Yes, that’s exactly what my friend wanted. The man rang it up on the cash register. The total, with tax, was $5.29. After giving me my change, he went to package the food.
As I waited, I looked over the posted menu. I looked to where the man had first pointed. There, the two piece meal was listed for $5.59, before tax. “Huh?” I thought. Just then, the man said, “Your order is ready, sir.” As I walked out to my truck, I looked over the register receipt. It carried the full price for the meal, then a 10% senior citizen discount, then the tax, totaling $5.29. I didn’t ask for a senior discount; I didn’t even know one was available. If I had known, I would have assumed that I don’t qualify because I’m 58. The man behind the counter was just that: a man, not a teenager. I would guess his age to be in the early 30’s.
Anyway, I’m not sure if I feel bad that I look old enough to get a senior citizen discount, or if this is something that I should be looking forward to. Should I start asking for a discount? How old do you normally have to be? 60? 65? 55? It’s funny, because I belong to both AARP and AAA, and they both promise all sorts of discounts to their members, but I have yet to purchase/rent anything that qualifies.
Maybe I should dye my hair white, and use a cane when I shop: “Eh, what’s that you say, sonny?” Maybe the more I dodder, the deeper the discount. But the thing is, they don’t offer senior citizen discounts on what I buy most: groceries and gasoline. It would hardly be worth my effort. I guess I’ll take today’s experience to be just another affirmation of the relentless march of time. Thanks for the discount, ‘sonny,’ whether I deserved it or not. In these hard times, I’ll take anything I can get.
As I remember my parents started getting their senior citizen discounts at the age 55. Well my mother would, my dad refused to take any discount, but now that he is in his mid 60s he will take it..
enjoy it! I don't know of any places that 'card' wannabe seniors, Some places start at 55, I know McD's has senior price soda and coffee, at least at mine. Taco Bell has free sodas for seniors. I would never ask anyone if they are a senior, I wouldn't want to offend but usually they ask for it, so that helps :)
I feel for you. I still remember my first Ma'am as opposed to Miss, and the horror of that realization. I guess you learn to like the discount, especially with today's high prices and move on. Not much you can do about it anyway. Aging does beat the alternative.
Orb's: I usually don't even remember to ask, but in (my opinion) we deserve it, after all of these years of abuse.
KK: That is funny about the Ma'am. Not quite the same, but similar is when people call me Mr. Nelson. I look all over for my dad and say something like " WOW Is my dad here " He has been gone since "71" and It's kinda fun as a reminder of Dad even on THIS day.
A lot of places have different ages for being a 'senior'. I found just by asking for it I get it and do not have to prove how old I am. Hey some were surprised that I was 'that' old!!!! Anyways a lot of places don't advertise it so you have to ask. I found Infusions, Ferreros, Car-X, A & W, KFC among others do it. Micky D's does it only on drinks. So does the Zoo, the Bristol Faire, and all doings down at Festival Hall.
That should be Infusinos not infusions!! Sorry
I called KFC last night to see what the age is for a discount. The guy who answered said he didn't know, they just go by appearance and whether the customer asks for it. He stated that they do not give senior citizen discounts unless they're asked for - otherwise, they might insult someone. I didn't tell him that I got one without asking.
I was at Kohls about a year and a half ago checking out. I don't know what happened with the lady ahead of me but when I put my stuff on the counter she just looked at me and said "you're not a senior are you?"
Ah, no. Close enough but no.
My brother-in-law was asked if he wanted the senior discount at a restaurant; he was 42 at the time. He immediately went home and shaved his head.
This is one discount I guess I could start getting buy my vanity won't let me go there, yet.
Senior citizen discount, geez when did that happen???
I went back to the same KFC today, to get the same meal for my neighbor (he had hip surgery - he can drive starting Wednesday - hooray). A different, younger guy waited on me. No senior citizen discount this time. When I gave the food and change to my neighbor, he said, "Why didn't you ask for it?"
I guess it's weird getting it the first few times, but I say take it!
I find it strange that they have to ID everyone no matter their age for alcohol purchases but they can't ask if you want the SC discount?
Last week I was at a high school year end award ceremony with one of the college students I work with (he is an alumni of the school and we do some work with the robotics club there). One of the high school student's saw me sitting at his table and asked if I was his brother. That' is not an unreasonable question in itself, but he then asked if I was a younger brother...younger than a college junior for crying out loud!
Oh, I should mention that I am a U of Arizona affiliate due to my job. That means I can (and did) get a U of A Cat Card when I started working there. There are many businesses that give a Cat Card discount...so I am getting student discounts around town! I don't feel any moral qualms since they are advertised as Cat Card discounts (which I have) and not student discounts :)
As for ASKING, I think In this age of "Age Discrimination" It Is advisable NOT to ask, because you could be in for a hell of a spat? Some 30 or so aged people find It fun to be carded for liquor, but I'll bet UNLESS the discount is automatic, few people want to be publicly asked If they are "Seniors"?
Oh I forgot to mention IHop. I asked for a senior discount which was 10% and my grandson told me watch this...he asked for his military discount which was 20%. WOW!
If you're retired military, can you get 30% off?
Kohl's is insulting to the senior...they asked me for my driver's license and even my Medicare card. Week to week their discount changes for seniors, sometimes 0, 10% and rarely 15%. They put you in a position to beg and that's humiliating to me. Forget the few dollars and get on with integrity.
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