I am kind of surprised it has taken this long since porn is usually on the leading edge of technology (remember Sony wouldn't license Betamax tech to porn producers which contributed to the VHS formal becoming dominant even though Beta had a much better picture...trust me, we had a Betamax and I hated VHS!) Sony did not make the same mistake with Bluray!
Anyway, Playboy, one of the oldest companies, is doing a 3D centerfold in June. Yeah, it's not video and it uses those old blue/red glasses which don't give a nice pleasing color image. But is is a shot across the bow of what we can expect as 3d television becomes prominent!
Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should!
Fiserv appoints PNC executive as president, CEO-elect
51 minutes ago
So, June will be busting out all over, eh? Those glasses give me a headache. I'm surprised Playboy magazine still exists. I would've thought that internet porn would make it obsolete. Must be all those guys reading the 'articles'...
I'm too stupid to even understand 3D. When I watch TV I don't know what I would see that was different If It were in 3D? Everything looks good to me, and I don't need glasses. I realize this Is probably hard to believe, but I'm just being honest. The last time I saw something in 3D It looked crappy. That was a LONG time ago.
Orbs, who is June??? I don't even want to see it in 2-D. And what does it matter if you look dorky wearing the 3-D glasses? You are most probably alone!!!
June Cleaver, aka June Cleavage.
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