I read about the library being closed today and the book drop off boxes being temporarily removed, both for security purposes. At first I thought, “Why are they removing the boxes?” Then I remembered what world we live in today. What a shame. What an utter, utter shame that things are the way they are. I know that the younger generation grows weary of hearing, “When I was your age . . . ,” but it is true: it was a kinder, gentler world. When we were young, we heard it from our elders, too, and it was true then, too. For generations now, the world has become a less kind, less gentle place. Oh my, indeed. When I look into the future, it can get pretty grim.

The other big upcoming event is the 4th of July, celebrated on the 5th of July this year. Can you believe it’s almost here? We have a three day weekend coming up because of it, and our big parade and fireworks are on Monday. The parade is one of the premier (if not the premier) events in Racine. The noise and hoopla and celebration and revelry are outstanding. The marching bands are stupendous and the floats are delightful. Even the politicians who make their obligatory appearances are almost tolerable on such a great day. The fireworks display is beautiful. The 4th of July is our nation’s birthday, and we know how to throw a party.
At the Zoltar household, I think we’re going to ingratiate ourselves with the esteemed Mr. OrbsCorbs, who lives near the parade route, and see if we can’t wrangle an invitation to use his home as a base of operations for the parade. Later, we’ll probably do some grilling. Junior and I both enjoy brats and potato salad and chips and all the usual picnic food. What are your plans for the 4th? Are you going to stay in town and watch the parade? Or are you heading out somewhere for the weekend? Whatever you do, be careful. A lot of people overindulge on holidays and make it a little more dangerous for the rest of us. May you all be safe on the holiday and every day.
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my blog. It’s nice to just relax with the Irregulars and others, spending time with friends. If there is anything you want to chat about, or something “like a splinter in your mind,” post it below in the comments, or email me: madamezoltar@jtirregulars.com. I’m always delighted to hear from others.
These are busy, heady days for Racine. Stay calm, stay alert, stay centered. Enjoy our president’s visit and enjoy the holiday. I love you all, Irregulars and non-Irregulars(?)! May good fortune bless Racine and all of her children. Happy 4th of July! Zwitterion!
Madame Z, you and your family are welcome here anytime. But please, make sure that Junior doesn't get into your product line before attending the parade this year. Spraying love potion on every teenage girl he met last year caused quite a ruckus.
I lived a few blocks off of Main Street so it was easy to walk to the parade, but not too close that it was totally crazy.
I was really amused one year when the local gay bar had a car in the float with a drag queen riding in back waving like a beauty queen. I am happy to say there were no cat calls or derogatory comments near where I was, although I suspect that may be due to the fact that it was so well done and subtle, I don't think most people realized it was a drag queen!
You all have a wonderful 4th...and be safe.
Does this mean that the party is at the Corbs house? Will all the "in" irregulars be there?
Did someone say party?
Not me. I hate people.
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