Hello Everyone! It's Friday already? I could barely tell now, seeing I'm on vacation. The day are starting blend together. Anyways, this week's questions are kind of random about summer.
1) What is your favorite summer activity?
2) What is your favorite summer refreshment?
3) Are there festivals you go to?
4) Micheal Jackson died a year ago today. Do you remember where you were when you heard the news?
Patrick Paolantonio lands local public relations position
47 minutes ago
1) Sleeping
2) Liquid
3) No
4) Yes: Taking a dump
1. Being outside when its possible. Right now its a little hot - 96.
2. I love lemonade during the summer but also a ice cold beer now and then.
3. None lately.
4. I was at work but following the breaking news online.
1. Golf!
2. Ice Cold beer
3. Greek fest, irish fest, county fair, bohemian fest.
4. At Farm and Fleet getting new tires put on my truck.
1) What is your favorite summer activity?
Working with plants.
2) What is your favorite summer refreshment?
Gatorade; orange, to be specific. When I worked landscape, I drank quarts of that a day. Plus, just plain old water. It's fine from the tap.
3) Are there festivals you go to?
None lately, either. I'm too old/broke.
4) Micheal Jackson died a year ago today. Do you remember where you were when you heard the news?
No, but I was probably on the computer and got it from Google News.
1. Don't really have one. I prefer Fall.
2. Beer. All four seasons.
3. Not any more. Too damn old, although going to see "Larry the Cable Guy" Saturday in the Dell's.
4. Hardee's at the Love's gas station in Oakdale. On the Interstate. It was kinda like Princess Diana. They didn't admit he was dead yet.
RW: Where and When the hell is the Bohemian fest? I'm part Bo-Hunk (wish it was Ho-Chunk) I think I would enjoy It.
Being outside
Miller Lite!
Probably not
My girlfriend texted me about it. Don't remember where I was. Never really a big fan.
1) Being outside
2) Mike's Hard Lemonade
4) I was on the computer blogging with my ex from CA (She was here) when the news broke out that MJ was in the hospital. About 15 min later he died. She wrote a blog about him on the spot. Two days later, we were in LA. I'll never forget all those people gathered around his star in Hollywood.
1. Gardening and NOT working! I'm with Toad, fall is my favorite season.
2. Vodka and lemonade, yummm (Settle down...I drink water too)
3. Not many. Been to Locust Fest in the past, but missed it this year.
4. Who cares. Michael Jackson was a freak. Have you seen what his house was like inside? He was just another celeb that got away with bad or criminal behavior. Funny how all of that is forgotten and how he is now idolized.
1. Getting a tan
2. Kool Aid
3. Summerfest and state fair
4. I probably was watching TV.
It just dawned on me...I sound like an old lady!!!
Don't worry, Sassa... Kool-aid, just like Trix, is for kids! :)
1) What is your favorite summer activity?
Just getting out and playing in the sun.. gardening, playing with the girls, enjoying a drink in the sun.
2) What is your favorite summer refreshment?
Mmmm, Lemonade or Ice Tea
3) Are there festivals you go to?
Not too many to go to around here that I can afford.. but while in Racine I like to check out whatever festivals they got..
4) Micheal Jackson died a year ago today. Do you remember where you were when you heard the news?
Yes, I was sitting on the couch with my husband and my mom came in and asked me what I felt about Michael Jackson dying.. I had no clue so I was quite shocked.. of course that was when they didn't actually come out and say he was dead.. or they took it back or something..
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