Infotainment - Racine, Wisconsin, USA
I'm so confused... the sun leads to snow, which produces mountains? That isn't how I learned it in school!
A purple octopus is causing all of our problems!
I heard that those raindrops 'might' include little droplets of oil. Also someone commented on lightening causing those oil droplets to burst into little balls of fire. I wonder...?
So were does the damn lighting that knocks out my juice come in?
All ya' need to know is that Gawd did it, so don't y'all worry your purty little selves 'bout it.
Okay, hale... now I'm really confused. I thought the sheriff posted it! ;>
Who's on first? What's on second?
Click here to see an animated version of that image: thought for awhile that Blogspot hosted animated GIF files, but apparently not anymore.
I'm with Orbs! The purple octopus is to blame!
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I'm so confused... the sun leads to snow, which produces mountains? That isn't how I learned it in school!
A purple octopus is causing all of our problems!
I heard that those raindrops 'might' include little droplets of oil. Also someone commented on lightening causing those oil droplets to burst into little balls of fire. I wonder...?
So were does the damn lighting that knocks out my juice come in?
All ya' need to know is that Gawd did it, so don't y'all worry your purty little selves 'bout it.
Okay, hale... now I'm really confused. I thought the sheriff posted it! ;>
Who's on first? What's on second?
Click here to see an animated version of that image:
I thought for awhile that Blogspot hosted animated GIF files, but apparently not anymore.
I'm with Orbs! The purple octopus is to blame!
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