I would like to invite each and every one of you to the annual Sturtevant 3rd of July festival and fireworks show at Fireman's Park. It will be a warm and beautiful day to celebrate independence and the joys of being an American. The festival starts at 2:00. The Unified Show Band, the Great Lakes Navy Band and the Britins will be playing, and the fireworks will go off at dusk. There is NO CHARGE to attend, parking is $5.00. This is a family friendly event, food and beverages available from local vendors. No alcohol carry-ins please. If you are going, find me. I haven't met most of you and I would like too. Just look for the big guy doing parking, or ask someone in the event staff shirts where I am. Happy Independence Day Everyone!
Fiserv appoints PNC executive as president, CEO-elect
46 minutes ago
Hopefully there will be a good event next time I make it up there so I can meet you Stu, but I am staying here in 105-110F Tucson this weekend. Have a great Fourth.
I'd love to be there as well, but I'm going be at Summerfest seeing Rush in concert that night.
Drew is seeing his own fireworks. I'll be there in spirit (of the radio) brother!
I used to watch those fireworks from my deck in Sturtevant. The last time I was there for the 4th celebration, I actually could watch from our family room....LOL...a time or two, we did walk over and watch them from the park. No parking fee for us!
I like fireworks, but I hate crowds. When they put a show on just for me, I'll attend.
Maybe next year if the invitation is extended then. Would love to get there.. I really enjoy The 4th.. For me the 4th this year is just a birthday party for a 2 year old (my kinda friends baby) so nothing terribly exciting. enjoy, have a beer for me and yell out pleanty of oooos and ahhhhs for me at the fireworks.
I would love to go but am in the middle of a 10 day stretch of opening at work :( bed by 6 eliminates alot of fun :( hopefully next year, I haven't been to see fireworks in a long time, tho like Orbs, not a fan of crowds
I bet they were fantastic, as always!!
We are invited to our Vet's office to watch ( Healing Oasis on Wisconsin) every year. He has a big private party. Missed it this year...
had a great time at the sturtevant works - the parking fee was more than worth the front row center heart thumpin' seats we had... tasty dogs & tater salad & i wonder if i saw you there...
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