SIGH! Here I am, checking in from the library....AGAIN! My PC is still down. YUP... It's been a week since I've been able to really sit down and catch with my e-mail, Facebook and the blogs. Time is really limited here at the library. With hope, by Saturday I will.
I know I heard that before. The hard drive in my PC has been replaced and brand new. The issue now is WAITING on the fricking recovery discs! I had ordered these discs LAST Thursday after I had taken my computer to Best Buy to get repaired. So what's taking so dang long? It's the idiots at the God knows where technical support center in India! It has been one hassle after another with these clowns!
First, I called for a rush on the discs. Supposed to be here within two days, NOT five business days!
Two, they sent them to the WRONG address! Luckily, I was able to figure out where they were sent to and retrieve them personally.
Three, the WRONG discs! What I needed where RECOVERY discs, NOT the Windows 7 upgrade!
So now I'm waiting on the recovery discs, they SHOULD be here by Friday. By Saturday, with help from the nice gentleman at Best Buy, I should be good to go... If not, I'm gonna go postal...
Keeping my fingers crossed, because I'm getting tired of waiting in line to use a computer.....
UPDATE!-Went to check on the status on the recovery discs yesterday, come to find out, they were out of stock with "none left" and my order cancelled! Outraged I decided to scrap the HP bullcrap and get my computer back from Best Buy. I was gonna let someone fix it. The Geek Squad guy was sympathetic to my situation and CALLED HP tech himself! There WERE discs in stock! They should be here on Tuesday...SIGH! If that doesn't work, it's back to plan B or get a new computer...
Caledonia Fire Department gets new chief
1 hour ago
Someone would have had to provide a loaner, right from the get-go... I couldn't function without a computer.
drew, you have my empathy and my sympathy. Computer problems are the worst.
And now I wonder when you'll be able to read this.
That isn't right! I hope you will be able to get some type of deal/discount from them for all this.
Hope to see you back here Tuesday!
Why do you need recovery disks? All you need to do is go on line and download the drivers straight from HP. BB should have done this and had the box back to you in a day. I don't give BB ANY of my business anymore. They sat on their asses and watched me struggle my old Packard Hell in during a winter storm and offered no help. Dd I mention my wheelchair? Then they refused to fix it because I couldn't find my receipt. Of course I was in their god damned system as evidenced by the ads I kept getting from them.
I buy Dell direct now, or Dell used on ebay for my projects. All I need to do is type in the serial nbr and all drivers are brought up that came with the box. It did take some searching for all the drivers on a highly modified box, but not painfully hard to do.
A word of advice to all. You are allowed to burn one set of the full operating system that is usually found on the HDs recovery partition. Burn them, label them, and file them safely. If your HD goes to hell, you're saved from all these hassles.
Milwaukee PC is the place to go for Tech.
I've heard Milw PC is the place to go for tech support up there.
I go to Staples and they do a great job for me...24 hours turn-around time.
Checking back again and it's Monday...The library is closed on Sundays. SIGH... Still no discs yet, should be here tomorrow.(I hope)
Huck, I was not able to even get online when my computer crashed. I had NOTHING! The only option at the time I could think of was take it to where I bought from. Thanks for the advise though. :)
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