In Milwaukee, another illegal flaunts our laws and kills another citizen. The possible punishment? 9 months in jail - if he shows up in court.
Party on, swine.
[Thanks to RacineUncovered for tipping me off to this story:]
Poets laureate excited for the opportunity
3 hours ago
This just doesn't make sense. With the charge, it sounds like the kid on the motorcycle caused the accident. Is that what happened?
You mean to tell me there isn't a reckless homicide charge that could be assessed to this person? If you are driving and don't hold a valid license and kill someone, that is the charge, isn't it?
Honest people often get punishments when they don't mean to hurt someone, but do.... this doesn't sound right. If he is, indeed illegal.... he, at least, should be deported.
You should look at the video of the district attorney who 'sexted' a victim of domestic abuse but now refuses to resign.
It is really hard for me to watch the news lately. The world has truly gone insane.
I have to say I think the kid on the motorcycle must have been at fault, otherwise this guy would have been charged with a much more serious offense.
I agree with KK that if he is illegal he should be deported. But let's face facts, he will probably sneak back in again. God knows there will be an American business willing to hire him.
Here's the Journal Sentinel story: It's hard to say for sure who was at fault from that, but it sounds like the motorcycle had the right of way, unless he passed illegally or blew a stoplight/sign at the intersection.
Sorry if my gut response in the blog offends anyone. Many of the traffic laws in Wisconsin are a joke. Much of the traffic law enforcement is also a joke, an unfunny one. Driving skills have eroded obviously and dangerously in recent decades, and respect for traffic law and other drivers is at an all-time low. Add illegals to that mix and it makes driving even more challenging than it needs to be for the average driver. I'm also sick of paying for the irresponsibility of others. My truck insurance jumped %16 this year.
People who repeatedly drive without a license should not be allowed to just walk away from those offenses. Fining them is useless - they don't pay anyway and they don't care if they have a license.
My best guess is the DA can't prove the illegal (if he is) caused the accident, therefore he charged him with a less serious offense. The entire situation is so sad and maddening all at the same time.
I dunno. It says here that Torres hit the motorcycle:
The article does indeed say that Torres caused the accident. Horrid.
The law doesn't make sense at all....
When my daughter was killed in 2005 by an unlicensed driver (5 offenses) there weren't any misdemeanor laws in effect. At that time the driver was issued 2 tickets, no jail time. The DA said there was not enough evidence to charge him with any crime. Had he not been driving this would have never happened. We worked to get a law passed in 2006 that made driving without a license at misdemeanor. We have since continued on to try to get these laws up to felony charges and our law makers in Madison continue to drag their feet while others continue to be murdered as in the story of Cory Herbst. We will go back to Madison again very soon in our pursuit into getting some "teeth" into these laws which would include some hefty fines and jail time. If anything positive came of Kristy's death it would be to change the laws so other families don't experience the pain and heartbreak.
This guy needs to go to jail for a very long time.
We had a similar incident here except the difference is our guy pulled out in front of a cop responding to a call. The man died and while investigating the accident, they discovered he was an illegal who was also driving without a license.
Someone has to explain to me now why the DA isn't charging this guy in Milwaukee with vehicular manslaughter. It's nuts!
KKdither, Nope, you don't get a reckless homicide charge at all. The guy that killed by sister got 2
tickets period.
It used to be some years ago that if you were driving without a license it was a criminal offense and you went to jail. These days it's just a ticket and the license you don't have gets suspended.
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