BUMP: Don't forget to sign a petition against RUSD's planned move to new digs. Petitions need to be returned to Jeff Coe by this Thursday, Oct. 21.
Originally posted Oct. 8:
Loyal Irregular Cyndi forwarded me the following email from Racine Alderman Jeff Coe, who is heading up a petition drive to force a referendum on Racine Unified School District's plans for a new Central Office:
"Date: Friday, October 8, 2010, 4:10 PM
"I am asking for help for our children in the Unified School District. Unified is going ahead with plans to build a new Central Office. This wiil be at the expense of our kids. We have over 80 million dollars worth of repairs and improvements needed in our schools. We may need a new Central Office but Unified needs to look at cheaper alternatives. If Unified is successful this will take almost 500,000 dollars a year away from the Schools. You can help stop this. We need at least 7,500 signatures turned in by Oct. 22 I need them back to me by Oct. 21. Unified needs to listen to the people that pay their salaries the taxpayers. This will force Unified to ask the taxpayers what they think and have a referendum on the funding. If you would like to help print off copies of this petition and get signatures please do. You need to be 18 years or older and live in the Unified School District. Who ever circulates the petition has to sign and date at the bottom.High School Students 18 years old bring petitions to schools or sporting events and get signatures .Parents take them to work with you. By working together we can do this. Lets show Unified they are out of touch.Any questions please feel free to call me at 637-0531 or jeffalancoe@yahoo.com. Remember 18 or older only please. Working together for our kids. Send filled out petitions to me at 1044 Villa st. Racine, Wisconsin 53403"
Cyndi attached a copy of the petition, but I couldn't figure out a way to host it here directly. Instead, I created a free account and uploaded it to http://www.slideshare.net/, then embedded it here (I hope this works):
UPDATE: I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you have to join slideshare in order to download the document. If you want a copy of the petition to print, email me and I will send you one: orbscorbs@jtirregulars.com.
UPDATE UPDATE: Racine Uncovered has a story about this here: http://racineuncovered.org/?p=21041
And they have a very nice pdf file of the petition here: http://racineuncovered.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/RUSD-referendum.pdf
Thank you, Racine Uncovered!
Korean dining spot opening soon in Hales Corners
3 hours ago
You should be able to bring up this hyperlink, right click on the form and print picture. You should get a copy of it.
Petition for referendum
Thank you, SER.
Hip, hip, hooray!!! Will this really stop them? They pretty much do what they want anyway. There were lots of people at the board meeting the night this was voted on, speaking out on why this was not a reasonable pursuit. As the public left, and the board reconvened, they voted to fund it anyway, in spite of pubic outrage.
I'm thinking that Jeff will have way more petitions in his hand in very short notice. This is nothing but a crock of shit that the board and Unified are trying to pull on the citizens of Racine.
I had a chance to sit down with Jeff and talk about this crap that Unified is pulling off.
One point he did bring up is, the current building is in bad shape but across the street from them the Curtin Medical Building is for sale. It would make more sense to purchase that building then buy 10 acres.
Is Unified going into the farm business?
And don’t forget about the $80 million dollar referendum which Doc Shaw and his cronies is coming!
Let's also not forget the multi-million dollar technology upgrade that wasn't supposed to cost a cent either. This contract is for 4 years and will require more money at that time to even keep what they currently have. So far, none of the new equipment is working. Call the help desk and they can't figure out anything. The district email is down more than up.... way to go, Unified. The North Star is sure shining!!!
Do they really think they can keep justifying these outlandish plans by saying it will save them money? How long will everyone let the emperor stay naked and not say he really needs to put on some clothes?????
Where can I go to sign one of these?
Sassa, you can print the petition from this file (upper left corner): http://racineuncovered.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/RUSD-referendum.pdf
Fill out number 1 for yourself. If you know anyone else who wants to sign, have them fill out a line. Then fill it out at the bottom and sign it. Mail it to:
Ald. Jeff Coe
1044 Villa St.
Racine, WI 53403
But it has to be in the mail by tomorrow so that he receives it on Thursday. (Unless you want to hand deliver.) Even if you are the only signer, it is one more vote, so for the price of a stamp your voice can be heard.
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