It's nice...they even thought of our gay and lesbian travelers and made special rainbow pasties with appropriate messages (I doubt the messages show up on the scanner but I appreciate the sentiments).
I got "randomly selected" for the enhanced treatment at SFO recently. It was tough not to tell him off and it was humiliating. Worst part: I knew it was coming. You can tell if you have been selected before you get to security by looking at your boarding pass. Only really, really stupid terrorists would miss it.
SFO didn't have the body scanners and were only giving the enhanced pat downs to people "randomly selected" or who set off metal detectors. I am less concerned about radiation (you get that while flying also, newsflash there!) but as these machines store images, do you want them to get out? As an educator, I would be fired if I posted images like that of myself online and we are seeing that others can post them. I travel a lot, I don't like it, there is huge potential for abuse and if history is any guide, systems that can be abused will be abused.
Give me a set of flying pasties.
uh, what? An Xray doesn't stop at the skin. That's just silly. So they store an image of bra clips, pace makers, benwa balls, and personal vibrators? Colostomy bags, indwelling catheters, metal braces, and surgical implants too. Those things along with guns and knives show up, but, nudity? NO. Just silly and as a educator you have nothing to worry about.
Leave the sexual devices at home and no one has anything to be embarrassed about
From what I've seen of the sample images, huck, these aren't traditional x-rays that simply show bones and metals. Outlines and intimate details show up, more like a totally naked picture would look. These images supposedly will show if you have any "packages" in your undies or between your cheeks or breasts.
First we are told that your face would not be seen with the body, then we are told that the image is only stored for a few seconds, then we learn of the real truth. I don't like it either, and I can understand the anger.
I would like to see the look on the face of one of those tsa goons feeling up (and that's what it is) a guy whose Viagra just kicked in.
I like the pasties idea.
If someone wants to see me naked, they're insane.
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