In Winston-Salem, NC:
A tip of the hat to Racine's Inisder News Online for this video:
Charlene St. Martin, 67, beloved mother and grandmother
57 minutes ago
Infotainment - Racine, Wisconsin, USA
oh no, don't pull em up, we need a good laugh on ocasion
"Appearance plays a big part of who you are," said the toothless man.
"Sagging is against gentlemanship."
Thanks for the laugh. Every generation has a fashion statement that drives the previous generation wild. Thank goodness this fad doesn't involve permanent body mutilation, like putting nails in your eyebrows and lips or stretching your earlobes to superhuman size.
Thank God that I never did anything crazy with my hair or wore any outlandish clothes. (Ahem.)
That piercing scene kiinda freaks me out. I don't mean a little ring in your eyebrow or nose or lip, but the drastic stuff (and worse) that kk mentioned. I have seen piercings and tattoos online that are so grotesque that they are barely believable. Why people would drive nails through parts of their bodies is beyond me. Carpenters spend their careers trying to avoid that.
Y'know, carpenters also try to avoid cutting off their fingers and that made me wonder if this won't be the next craze: elective amputation of body parts, or perhaps even self-amputation of parts - kids (and others) are already cutting themselves. Hmm, maybe I've stumbled onto something here.
the worst part is that the sagging is lower and lower over time, saw a guy/kid with his pants under his butt, just doesn't make any sense at all, definitely no gentleman there, geez
then they look really funny when they waddle, trying to keep them from falling, there's a much easier way, it's called a belt..
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