Hello everyone! Friday already? The days are seemingly are starting to blur...Oh well...This week's questions are about Christmas.
1) Are you into the Christmas spirit yet?
2) Have you decorated your place yet?
3) Do you traditionally celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day?
4) What is your favorite Christmas movie?
Enjoy your weekend!
Korean dining spot opening soon in Hales Corners
3 hours ago
1) Are you into the Christmas spirit yet? The spirit of giving yes.
2) Have you decorated your place yet? Got my big bumble out, my official Charlie Brown Xmas tree and a little foot tree, but there is a tree!
3) Do you traditionally celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day? Kinda both
4) What is your favorite Christmas movie? Rudolph, Little Drummer Boy, Santa Claus is coming to town, all those old "animate" movies
1. Sorta, getting there bit by bit.
2. Yep, as decorated as it will get.
3. I think we'll go to church on Christmas Eve (usually I do) and celebrate on Christmas day.
4. Miracle on 34th Street...strange as that may seem.
1. I was earlier in the month, but now that I found out that my test is before Christmas instead of after Christmas (they moved it up on me) my Christmas spirit has been squashed and now experiencing panic for this HUGE test of mine.
2.Yup, got that decorated when I still had Christmas spirit.
3. We do the Swedish stuff on Christmas Eve and more American style Christmas on Christmas day
4. It's a Wonderful Life, Elf, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation..
1. It has been getting harder and harder every year. Somehow the magic is gone. Not sure if it is a changing stage in my life or just the excessive commercialism.
2. Extreme minimalism.. to not be a scrooge. There is a teeny tree, a wreath and some poinsettia flowers.
3. Christmas eve was always for a small family gift exchange. Christmas day was when Santa came. Now, it is whenever everybody can get together with their busy schedules. Seems that it requires more days to get the chance to celebrate with everyone now.
4. Just the clip that Mme. posted of "It's a Wonderful Life" gave me goosebumps. "Miracle on 34th Street" was always a fav, too... but how many times can you watch the same old movies? I still get a chuckle out of portions of "A Christmas Story."
1. Definitely.
2. Everything was up Thanksgiving weekend.
3. Both.
4. Oh my, I have to say It's a Wonderful Life and like Beejay, Miracle on 34th St.
1) I'm trying real hard to get the Christmas spirit, but negative life events keep intruding.
2) No, I haven't decorated yet. I probably won't. Not in the mood this year.
3) When I was a kid, our family exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve and we opened presents from Santa on Christmas Day. This year, mom and I are expected at my sister's house for brunch on Christmas Day.
4) It's a Wonderful Life. There's something about the snowy scenes of Bedford Falls that reminds me of Racine when I was growing up.
As a non-believer who doesn't celebrate Christmas, I do a very good job of just filtering it out. It's all just sort of background noise to me, wit the exception of a couple of things I like.
I enjoy some of the light displays. I go on runs at night and always vary my route just to see different streets.
I saw A Christmas Story when it was in the theaters. Cliche, but is is a fun movie.
1. No It used to hit strong Xmas eve, but that ended when the marriage did.
2. No. it takes work and effort I don't have anymore.
3. Until last year, both days. Now? Who knows. Mom is old and has a hard rime moving, sis has back problems from the same crap I have, other sis died two year ago, and little sis is overworked and has a family of her own now.
4. Terminator II.
1. Heck yes!!!!
2. The tree was up November 13th, house lights up Nov 21.
3. Both. Christmas with family on Eve, but everyone knows Santa Comes Christmas Morning!
4. Tie between A Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation. Im also a sucker for all those Hallmark Christmas Movies. I have about three that I just have to watch, along with Charlie Brown Christmas.
1) Bah Humbug!
2) Never took them down.
3) January 7th
4) Ben Hur
1) Getting there...I'm doing better this year than last year.
2) Yep. My girlfriend found my Christmas stuff and just went nuts.
3) Growing up, my family celebrated on Christmas Day. During my marriage, it was Christmas Eve at her folks and Christmas Day with mine. Since the divorce, traditions have been rather erratic.
4) Charlie Brown Christmas.
1 - YES!!!!!
2. YES!!! the day after Thanksgiving
3. both, my family on the eve, his family on the day, always have , never had conflict
4. I like them all, but the top 2 would be Frosty the snowman and Rudolf, but then there's Charlie Brown too, can't pick!
I envy you your Christmas spirit, Lizardmom.
1. i'm trying.
2. started with lights in the kitchen window last night - three more windows to go. i always plan to dig out the ornaments etc but seem to only get as far as the lights...
3. christmas eve.
4. magoo's christmas carol.
lol huck on your fave christmas movie...
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