Okay, let's really talk about elder abuse.
I took my 95-1/2 year old Mother In Law to her supposed doctor on Monday. The doctor asks her how she is doing and out of the blue, she says her 'tail-bone' hurts. This doctor looks and says it is a level 1 wound! Home Health Care! (Nothing had been said to me before this visit about any problem...)
On Tuesday, Home Health Care comes and looks at her butt and the nurses come out and say to me, 'did the Doctor look at her butt?' Yep, she did...it is DIAPER RASH. So off to the store I go to get Balmex (diaper rash balm). Today, they return and, guess what it is healing up very nicely. Again, I am asked 'did the doctor really look at this?' Yep, she did, I respond! And Grandma has no more pain! Duh.,...now the doctor wanted an x-ray...not gonna happen...I doubt we need one for DIAPER RASH! The Home Health Care Nurse told my MIL to not do it unless she felt it necessary. Grandma doesn't want any x-ray...to do this to a woman with severe osteoporosis is not a good idea. She could end up with more injured vertebra(sp).
Next, they decide a physical therapist should come in and check on her walker and how she walks. Remember her age, 95-1/2 years old! The PT commends me on the bathroom set-up...grab bars, shower seat, assist on the toilet...you name it, it is in her bathroom...thank God I had just cleaned up after her. Whew. But this bathroom has been evaluated twice before by PTs, so I was waiting for this gal to find something wrong...nothing...BUT the doctor had told me I should have someone come in an evaluate it a few months ago. I refused. Told her I had my home evaluated THREE times so far and as far as I was concerned, it was just fine. Good grief. I have more grab bars than a nursing home!
Oh yeah, there is more: Nine more times the PT is coming to try and improve her strength...(WTH???) And additionally, an Occupational Therapist is going to come cuz Grandma complained about her shoulder, which she broke 12 (yep, 12) years ago! Oh, come on now...do we need intervention by someone on this stuff. You think you are going to improve her pain level after 12 years? Get off it. Oh and she should stand up straighter. Never in all the time I have known this woman, has she stood erect. What next, they break her back?
Here is the best part, I had been trying for the longest time to get her to purchase a new walker...nope, 'I'm not going to live long enough to get my money's worth out of it!' Biggie D tells her she has no option, she has to do it...has me drive her to the Medical Supply house, picks one out for her and convinces her that she has to do it. I thank God for him every day.
I, as a caregiver, cannot refuse anything that is being suggested for fear of being charged with neglect or elder abuse. What a world we live in! Even if you know it is crap, there isn't much you can do...you have to allow the 'professionals' to do their jobs and get the $$$$ out of the system.
I feel so much better now. Thanks for allowing me to vent.
One last thing, when her insurance changes 11/1, so does her doctor!