This is a live webcam for Lily, a black bear in Ely, MN. She had a cub last year (Hope) and has just given birth to two cubs this afternoon!
It's kind of cool to watch. I didn't see the births, but I did just see her face!
Check it out!
Fire crews battle large barn fire in Caledonia
10 hours ago
You have to click play, and sit through a short advertisement..
Couldn't see too much when I clicked...
It takes awhile to get used to the resolution. At first, I couldn't tell what I was looking at. Now I think I'm looking at a bear (or something) breathing. Cool.
live web cams are cool. there use to be one looking at the falcons on the roof of the court house here in Racine. Not sure if it is still up there or not.
Oh wow! I see the bears sleeping in their den! This reminds of the pandas I saw in the San Diego Zoo. They, too, also have a webcam.
I just saw one of the babies! There wasn't much action and it is hard to see, but every once in a while she turns and you can see her face. Looks like the cubs are nursing now.
Tried again, I see the movement too, like breathing. Reminds me of looking at the images from my first ultrasound 24 years ago and trying to make out shapes. Technology can be very cool.
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