Racine Uncovered reports the story here:
Citizens for Responsible Government's website:
Citizens for Responsible Government say they will take out ads and also do some spots on WRJN. This could be an interesting election. A press conference has been scheduled for immediately after the city's Redevelopment Authority meeting tomorrow to discuss a request for a $1.2 million loan from the city for a company promising jobs:
http://www.journaltimes.com/news/local/article_ea272bcc-348f-11e0-a8fc-001cc4c002e0.html One can only assume that the results of that meeting are predetermined and that Mayor Dickert will be announcing the "creation of 100 jobs" less than a week before the primary. Remember American Tire? Remember Treasures Media? Remember the proposed development of the empty lot in West Racine? I do.
Party on, lying John!
What can one say? Are there any good people left who are willing to run for office? It makes you wonder. (sorry stu, just being rhetorical)
All I can say is I wish I was there for vote in this election..
If this guy is bad, Walker is worse. After his announcement about union busting, they have literally put the national guard on standby.
KKD Union busting?? Really a bit of a stretch methinks. Asking for these over compensated employees to contribute more $ to their own pensions and their own Health care costs. It will help keep the costs of health care down for all of us. If we actually paid them the $$ for health care rather than provide it to them they could even force everyones health care costs down. As for Pensions this is step one, It is my hope that next year or 2013 we begin to transition these pensions into 401 K's instead. It'll be great for the market, for American business, it'll be great for the Govt. employees and their survivors; but most importantly it'll be good for all our state and municipal Govts. Less financial obligations going forward.
Here is my understanding, Downtown Brown: for the prosperous years where private sector was making fists full of money, raises for teachers were kept to a minimum due to the QEO caps. Instead of taking the full amount of this capped sum in dollar raises, their unions had the foresight to see that keeping health premiums low was in their best interest. They basically bargained, in good faith, their raise into health benefits.
Now, because health costs have skyrocketed for the private sector, (whose fault is that?) everyone is hot to take those benefits away... something that was rightfully bargained for.. years and years worth.
If you read carefully, this is only part of Walker's plan. He wants to do away with state unions. Employers will not be allowed to charge union dues. The only thing they can bargain is for salary. How can they exist under those restrictions? Voluntarily? That isn't union busting?
Do we really want the mismanaged and bizarre thinkers at Central Office to have full and unrestricted cachet over what goes on in education and in the classroom? There should be no checks and balances?
My opinion after many years in the trenches.... They couldn't make a good decision if their lives depended on it. They are swimming hard to keep their heads above the water and justify their overpaid jobs.
I contribute to my own retirement, have done so since I was 19 years old. I don't count on seeing a dime of state funded money.
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