MADISON - The State Department of Justice confirms that it is investigating several death threats against a number of lawmakers in response to the legislature's move to strip employees of many collective bargaining rights.
Among the threats the Justice Department is investigationg is one that was emailed to Republican Senators Wednesday night. Newsradio 620 WTMJ has obtained that email.
The following is the unedited email:
Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your familes
will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks. Please explain
to them that this is because if we get rid of you and your families then it
will save the rights of 300,000 people and also be able to close the deficit
that you have created. I hope you have a good time in hell. Read below for
more information on possible scenarios in which you will die.
WE want to make this perfectly clear. Because of your actions today and in
the past couple of weeks I and the group of people that are working with me
have decided that we've had enough. We feel that you and the people that
support the dictator have to die. We have tried many other ways of dealing
with your corruption but you have taken things too far and we will not stand
for it any longer. So, this is how it's going to happen: I as well as many
others know where you and your family live, it's a matter of public records.
We have all planned to assult you by arriving at your house and putting a
nice little bullet in your head. However, we decided that we wouldn't leave
it there. We also have decided that this may not be enough to send the
message to you since you are so "high" on Koch and have decided that you are
now going to single handedly make this a dictatorship instead of a
demorcratic process. So we have also built several bombs that we have placed
in various locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent.
This includes, your house, your car, the state capitol, and well I won't
tell you all of them because that's just no fun. Since we know that you are
not smart enough to figure out why this is happening to you we have decided
to make it perfectly clear to you. If you and your goonies feel that it's
necessary to strip the rights of 300,000 people and ruin their lives, making
them unable to feed, clothe, and provide the necessities to their families
and themselves then We Will "get rid of" (in which I mean kill) you. Please
understand that this does not include the heroic Rep. Senator that risked
everything to go aganist what you and your goonies wanted him to do. We feel
that it's worth our lives to do this, because we would be saving the lives
of 300,000 people. Please make your peace with God as soon as possible and
say goodbye to your loved ones we will not wait any longer. YOU WILL DIE!!!!
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
Im not judging, just pointing out that there is free speech, then there is going to far. People on both sides need to chill!
That is going way to far! I agree with you. Then with what I seen on the news last night that the people would not leave the capital and fighting with the police. This is really crazy. I understand that they are upset but you don't have to take it this far.
The pathway to reform may have a few speed bumps, but the alternative is more of the dysfunctional system we now have that limits every student from achieving their full potential. The state didn't get $billions in debt, by accident.
Truly disgusting.. I do understand that people are upset, but as all else do not judge all of those that oppose Walker by a few.. I truly hope they find the people that are writing these and if there are others involve they are found as well and convicted. This is not what democracy looks like. truly disgusted.
That is my whole point, WhyNot. There is debate and disagreement, which is part of the American lexicon. Then there is this which goes even beyond.
Heck, I get emails like that all the time...
Giving so much press to one lunatic's letter seems a bit unproductive. The local high schools have had multiple "security threats" in the past couple of weeks. On a slow news day, that might have made the press. We all know that stupid or crazy people exist who don't know how to play within society's acceptable guidelines.
What I find really appalling is to turn on the news and watch those who claim to be competent, and should be an example of what society expects, behave in an unacceptable fashion.
The problem here is that people ARE judging Stu. What's more, Walker is on record as stating he wasn't beyond fomenting discord. Add in that Koch Bros have been paying for bloggers to post offensive posts, and no one can rightly say which side wrote this bit of trash.
Considering how peaceful the protests have been and still are by a large number of people, I'd say it is amazing threats like this took so long to surface. Are they credible? it just takes one or two lunatics to go off the deep end. Tim M. showed us that.
Nutjobs have been around for a long time. I suspect we're seeing more because there simply are more and because of media attention and the internet. I hope they catch this yahoo and prosecute him.
Amen Huck.
Huck said it best.
Now I am going to ask you to slow down a little bit (just like conservatives did after the Giffords shooting). I see a couple of red flags in this story.
The first one is in the very first sentence. There is no "State Department of Justice" in Wisconsin. It's the Wisconsin Department of Justice. That instantly makes me suspicious of the validity of this release right there.
Second, there is no press release with this information on the Wisconsin Department of Justice web site, the claimed source of the information.
Third, an email such as this against a state representative or official should trigger an investigation. It is very rare for investigators to release something like this at the beginning of an investigation.
Another interesting tidbit is the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel blog entry. It sites the Wisconsin Division of Criminal Investigation (at least that's real). The excerpts they claim were released are pretty abhorrent but do not match the letter you posted. There is no press release from the Division of Criminal Investigation either.
Orbs, I have gotten messages like this via snail mail, email, and even left on my car with my tires slashed to boot (with the witty rejoinder that my neck was next).
There sure could be a nutjob out there who did this, but I see a lot of contradictory information out there right now with at least a few holes in it that need to be plugged. Right now, I am having trouble tracing down a good original source that doesn't make me go "huh"?
I feel sorry for the families, the wives and the children of those idiots who are hell bent on screwing the people of Wisconsin with Walkers “you screw’em” bill. What did these meatballs think was going to happen when they approve the bill? Look at Obama, the FBI and CIA can’t keep up with the threats, they increased 400% over Bush....
We all know something has to be done but not this way. All those in favor of this bill I sure as hell don’t want to hear from then 6 months from now how everything is costing them so much more. Keep your fuck’in mouths shut and deal with it!
If you don’t want death threats, get out of office or suck it up baby! Quit your fuck’in whining.
So now you know how I feel about this situation!
Public service = OK to kill. That makes sense SER.
So you think it was OK for Rep. Giffords to have been shot! You would tell her she had it coming, so suck it up?!? Lets let that nut out of jail then. Hinkley, Sirhan Sirhan as well. Dont forget to exonerate JW Booth and the cabal behind JFK.
It's ok because they held public office and were "f-in whining".
Your right Hale, Im just posting right wing propaganda.
Im starting to understand why Logjam left..........
If that is not what you meant, please correct me because your statement hits close to home, and hit a damn nerve. No one shoud expect to have their lives threatened for holding public office. No one!
I find it hard to believe anyone would say it is okay to write something like that. It is against the law to make threats and if... this is what was done, that person, no matter which side generated it, should be punished.
I didn't take what SER said the way you did. When something hits home, it is natural to have your hair stand on end. I get why this bothered you, Stu... please understand that is why I take such a strong stand opposing some of what you have recently posted. It hits too close to home. I've been called a whiner too... and, boo hoo, that isn't fair either. Lies are spread and lapped up by ignorant people and that isn't easy to sit back and watch without rebuttal.
I took SER's post to mean that these things come with the job. If you work in certain sectors, you have to have a "strict constitution." ie: you have to be able to handle things like this. I sit in a building with bomb threats or "security threats" (colombine-ish) that are occurring on a regular basis. It doesn't mean it should be happening, it just comes with the territory.
=( really hate what this is doing to our state..
Thanks KK.
Stu, apparently you really mistook what I meant. I thought I wrote it quite direct.
If you don’t want death threats, get out of office or suck it up baby! Quit your fuck’in whining.
These people who run for office such as a Senator and Congress, they know going in they could be threatened. If you (or someone else) threaten me with bodily harm do you really the think FBI or the State Patrol or any other law enforcement group is going to chase down emails etc to find the person?
Hell no they’re not! So why do I (as a taxpayer) have to pay for some politician who has been threatened?
You won’t see SER has received death threats posted in all the local newspapers and also maybe by the AP!
No one deserves to be shot, well maybe drug dealers. Hinkley, Sirhan Sirhan as well. Don’t forget to exonerate JW Booth and the cabal behind JFK. It just goes to show, there are more lunatics walking the streets then are looked up in loony bins!
Why Not? said...
" =( really hate what this is doing to our state.. "
Stu, nothing personal against you. I had some questions about why this was released when it seemed to violate standard investigative procedures the got the name of the state agency wrong, a common tactic when someone writes something designed to go viral (makes it hard to verify if the misdirection is in there). I can't help but notice you answered exactly zero of my questions. This could be real, but I need few of those holes filled. Why was this released...I haven't seen threats against Obama, Giffords or the other 534 members of Congress released (and I bet every one of them has had at least one).
Ser, I think I took your meaning a little closer to what you said. Stu is correct that no one should have their life threatened for being a public servant but you were pointing out the reality that it happens far too often. I don't see where Stu got the idea that you said it was okay to kill anyone.
As a person who does hold public office, who has the same name as a certain missing Wisconsin State Senator (Even though it is spelled differently) things can get a little wierd, and your point just hit real close to home.
Re-reading after I calmed down, I see your point. You should know what your getting into before you get into it, but your not prepared for it. Things have been a little wierd.......
I don't remember any Senator named Right Wing Whacko... (tongue in cheek whistling innocently)
I've got to ask, Are you thinking about walking lock step and draconian with Walker? I mean in your position of power? Please tell me you know diplomacy. We're falling into the trap of Tyranny. Is this what the Right wants?
About posting explosive posts, I think you enter a realm of needing to have a thicker skin. The poster needs to understand hot button topics are not always going to have everyone rallying around the wagons. There be Indians in them there hills. Problem is, the polarized see all opposition as them Indians. Right or Left, it's not a fellow countryman, but an opponent. Doesn't that suck?
You know we need to get our shit together as countrymen or our country is doomed. We are becoming explosively polarized. We don't forgive each other anymore, we seem be in a mode of, "I'll teach you!" We don't say, gosh our man is a Fuck Up, we turn blind eyes to it because he spouts our core beliefs. We defend the nitwit and shout, "Your man did this, it's okay ours side did this or that other thing you man in 82 did." White collar crime pays. When you get fined 200 million, but you made over a billion, life is good.
Anyhow, keep showing diplomacy. Sturtevant is a small Fifedom, not a barony like Wisconsin. For some things you are going to need a thicker skin. You are the local face of the opposition. I got called a "Pig" one time with all the Venom reserved for Police. Gosh, it was my second week moonlighting as a part time Burns security guard. Don't be too shocked or offended if it happens to you. I wouldn't be that worried about bullets though.
You should understand this bit of advice. Try to imagine what kind of chaos might be unleashed. If you are too young to remember the 60s and 70s you need to do a history refresher. Disruptions, being in the wrong place, shortages, and anger. Try to see all sides. LISTEN to everyone and work at tempering the RRW tendencies. Empathy. We aren't two teams, we're all a country.
On a small local lever, at least in my village, we really dont have GOP vs DEM. We just deal with what rolls downhill from DC and Madison. My charge is to do what is best for the Village, and I truly honestly make my decisions by that tenant only. There really arent sides when looking at if we can fix this road this year or our snowblow just crapped out. I do understand what your saying.
Madison police spokesman Joel DeSpain said police estimated the crowds at their peak to be around 85,000.
I sure hope with this size crow, someone doesn't flip out.
Appearently our governor does not feel there is a problem...2/3 of the people do not want what he is forcing down everyones throat.
Article is in the Wisconsin State Journal
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