Local blogger Heather Rayne, also know as "Cheers," has posted an article on her blog concerning the sympathy expressed for Curtis Johnson by Racine's business "leaders" while they ignore the victim of his alleged crimes.
Heather's blog is here: http://heatherrayne.wordpress.com/2011/03/28/sympathy-for-the-devil/
The Journal Times story expressing sympathies for the alleged pedophile is here: http://www.journaltimes.com/news/local/article_558b8392-5829-11e0-8022-001cc4c03286.html
My comments on the issue are here: http://news.racinepost.com/2011/03/billionaire-curt-johnson-charged-with.html
The vomit and explosive diarrhea which I expelled in reaction to the Journal Times story (I have IBS-D, often triggered by emotion or stress) were flushed away Saturday. If only we could also flush away these expressions of solidarity with an accused child molester. How can these people shed so many tears for an accused pedo, but not one for the victim?
This filth has brought back memories of a pedophile juvenile judge in the City of Racine who attempted to molest me as a child. Too bad for him, but a family friend had already initiated me into the "wonders" of child molestation, so I didn't let the judge get very far. But I cried and cried that night thinking about all of the other young boys he had put his greasy hands on. A few years later, a Catholic priest would attempt the same shit with me.
This sickness has permeated Racine for decades. You don't think a pedophile mayor molests children while on the job without aid and assistance from others do you? How did a pedo become a juvenile judge, a sick pervert with a line on all the at-rick children in the city, all the young boys from broken homes that he could molest at will? Obviously, there are enablers throughout our community, like the business "leaders" who express so much sympathy for a billionaire who had every option in life available to him but apparently chose to molest a child, over and over and over again. And then you swine say how bad you feel for HIM?
Excuse me, I had to go puke again. Literally. I cannot take this. You fucking pigs support people who rape and molest CHILDREN! I can't finish this blog. Fuck you pig swine pieces of shit that support pedos! May you rot in hell forever. May someone have the decency to blow your fucking brains out of your sick, raping bodies, you bloody pieces of excrement.
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
By the way, I want NO expressions of sympathy for me here. I have lived with this shit for 45 years, seen dozens of mental health "experts." The damage done was permanent, that is obvious, and I don't want any pity. If I could stop just one pig from doing this to another child, though, it might have been worth it. This isn't about me. it is about the pigs who commit these crimes and, more importantly, those who enable, support and protect them. The pedos I almost understand - they have a sick compulsion, much like mine for alcohol. But the supporters of pedophilia who reign throughout our local government need to be dragged out of their offices and shot in the streets like the sick dogs that they are.
And oh yeah, party on, lying John! Your campaign manager, Becker, rots in jail now. How many of you bastards knew about him? How many of you are like him? Fuck you!
And especially FUCK the Journal Times for protecting the alleged pedophile because he is more important than us average folk in Racine. EVERY SINGLE ONE of their articles on alleged pedos in Racine have been open for comment, except this one. Fuck you lying pigs!
When I read the second story you cite, I don't see things quite like you do. I can't believe by saying they feel sorry for him, they mean they are sorry he has been caught or outed. I think their sadness is in the fact that this has occurred.
I certainly feel horrible for the victim, there is no question there. I also feel sorry for the family. I can only imagine the grief, betrayal and loss I would feel if I learned a sibling/relative had been guilty of such a heinous crime.
The system does not work to protect victims, nor does it work correctly to punish abusers. Evil in people exists. It will always exist. I don't believe we are capable of fixing that. I don't think ANY laws would stop it. I don't think ANY type of punishment would stop someone who is morally or mentally deficient. It doesn't mean that we look away nor should we give up trying.
Were teachers interviewed about how they felt about Clazmer and then a story published?
NO comments allowed on the Johnson sorry, but allowed on any other story about any other pedo.
Racine supports pedophiles, especially "important" ones. Always has, always will.
Family members are the greatest enablers. And denial is usualluy strongest with the family, not the sicko. He knows he's sick, but they can't/won't accept it and lie and keep propping him up. This is standard practice. Just like every drunk's family tries to cover for him. Enablers support the very thing they say they are against. Ask any shrink.
Racine is in denial about its pedo problem. This will happen over and over as long as our enablers keep covering for them.
I felt the same way as KK after reading the JT article. Thank you for a very well articulated remark KK.
It is hard to tell by the article, what tone of voice or emotion was used by the business leaders in their responses.
It is a shame that the JT did what they did for the Johnson comments, being inconsistent with what they have done in the past, but I believe what your friend the blogger Heather Rayne said that in crimes such as these,no matter who the jerk might be, it is better to not allow comments.
Of course, Curtis' punishment will be zero. At worst, he will go on vacation to pedo school, like Becker did, and pass with flying colors, like Becker did. (Remember the "experts" on Becker? "He's fixed, he's fine, he's cured" - then Becker goes out and buys girls' panties and Bras just before his trial. "Treatment" mills just enrich their operators and release sick people on us over and over.) Our DA will drop the charges against Curtis and everyone will go about their business letting pedos molest children at will in Racine again.
The hypocracy of the Journal Times shouldn't amaze me, but it does. Makes me wonder just how much money the Johnsons have invested in Lee Enterprises. Curt Johnson is no better than any other accused pedophile. And, in my opinion, the article about other business people being sympathetic is just a ploy to try to gain sympathy for Johnson.
Like you, Orbs, I've lived with the "shit" for 45 years and I don't want pity, either. I just want the public at large to WAKE UP and see pedophilia for what it is--an incurable compulsion that only ends when their life does.
Opinionated Lady
The Journal Times is a business with a business mentality. They are nothing more than cheap prostitutes. Nothing surprises me.
They post inflammatory stories and biased reporting to incite the public to buy their product or click on their website. There is no concern or thought about how it will affect the community or the people of Racine. They allow enough comments to get their daily quota of clicks, then block it as if they have a conscience.
We left the JT because of their poor decisions and unwillingness to do the right thing. Nothing has changed there.
In an ideal world, there should be no double standard for right and wrong, crime and punishment: policy should be in place and adhered to. However, money and power have always been above the law. We can become consumed by it, or work in whatever means we can toward some small resolution. I think we also need to be realistic and understand that we will probably never right these wrongs.
I think you know I respect you immensely. I understand the reason for your rage. I am in no way trying to minimize it.
I'm sick of being told that I have to accept evil and lies and that I have to seek help because pigs inflicted themselves upon me as a child. The USA kills people daily, in the name of justice, righteousness, freedom, etc. Our soldiers are doing it right now, in Iraq and Afghanistan, in our names with our money and our blessings. There is no reason why we cannot exercise the same authority over the pedophiles in our own country who rape our own children.
I refuse to accept lies. If it consumes me, so be it. I'd rather die fighting for principles rather than embracing pedophilia. I understand that 99% of people are people of convenience rather than people of conviction. Almost everyone will go along with the system as long as they are fat and happy. I am sorry. I cannot do that. I really believed what I was taught in church and school. I believe there is a right and a wrong, and we MUST fight for the right, or the wrong will overwhelm us. I will never accept lies for truth, wrong for right, evil for good. Never. In fact, I would gladly choose death over lies. Anyone who knows me well knows that is the truth. I don't want to live in a swine world where pigs molest children and other pigs looks the other way. Again, I would CHOOSE death over that, with open arms.
But first, I think we can butcher the pigs before it comes to that.
One of my favorite film lines, "But the decision I've come to is I'd rather make the gravest of mistakes than surrender my own judgment." Your last comment reminded me of that. I know you do not want sympathy talk. I respect that but I cannot comment without saying I am sorry. I can't get into it and I won't...and nothing I experienced is ANYWHERE near what you endured. But I do understand the rage. It is completely valid.
I did think it was best to not let comments on this but only if they gave EVERY victim/family/perp that same consideration. I was pissed they only did that for Johnson. However now it is all over the Natl news who the victim is...so I dont see how it even matters now. If anyone is out of line they can moderate like any other topic.
Anyway, I know we don't always see eye to eye. But I think it is always important to remember that the people we interact with have a life time of experiences, traumas, loss which helped build who they are today. By sharing your story, you remind people that we are all just human. And that compassion is necessary. So I thank you for that.
I cannot see under any matter, identifying the victim. I don't care if people know who it is, or they read the criminal complaint. Plain and simple, most reputable media outlets that have ethics and morals WOULD never identify the victim, especially if they are a minor. I wish everyone would cease doing that for the sake of that girl
Racineuncovered: I in NO WAY advocate releasing her identity. Having been there, done that I would not want my identity released under ANY circumstances. I am only saying that the JT needs to be consistent. Either allow comments on all sex offense stories or allow none on ANY above mentioned stories. Johnson is no better than Gary Becker, Paul Beckett or any of the many others that have been written about in the past year for taking liberties with a child.
I really do sympathize with that child. Her life will never be the same again.
Opinionated Lady
I'm not blaming anyone I just wish that anyone that posted information about this case, remove the information about the victim. She's a 15 year old girl, this case will received international media attention. It won't be just the local stations, it'll be CNN, Fox, MSNBC, New York papers. I agree either allow comments or don't but when writing a story or article. Don't include any victim information. That just gets me madder than hell!
Thank you for the kind words, Cheers. Other people use words like "endure" and the shrinks say I'm clinically depressed, but I've always just thought of it as who I am. I mean, I know that I am very cynical and dark and angry. I know I'm damaged goods. That's pretty obvious. But that's me, that's my life, I know no other. And it's not only because of some pedos. The rest of my childhood was crazy, too, and then I kicked in the afterburners for adulthood.
Last fall, I was in a restaurant in Milwaukee with my best friend and his wife. Somehow, the subject of suicide came up. All three of us mentioned that we think about killing ourselves at least once a day. And all three of us mentioned how odd we thought it was that "normal" people don't. (I guess I should mention that all three of us are also under psychiatric care.) This was not dark, somber conversation - we were talking like we might about the weather.
That IS normal for me. I don't think much about the pedos in my life unless shit like Becker or Johnson hit the fan. This one really bothered me, though, because of the double standard and the sympathy expressed for the alleged abuser. kk is right, though. This crap will go on forever. Johnson will be protected and the situation will be disappeared. The liars always win.
I understand the concerns about releasing her identity. But it is far too late. Last week Reuters (an legitimate news source) released that information. And this morning so did Matt Lauer on the Today Show. At this point, everyone knows and perhaps we can just show our support realizing the full extent of what she probably went through for many years under the same roof. While no one abuse is worse than another, living with the perpetrator lends a whole separate component. And I think it also shows more of his nature. Yes, to do that to ANY child is outrageously horrid. But to your own family??!! Thats a whole new set of yuck.
What can I say... I think everyone has dark secrets and pain in their past. Real pain. You mention the word endure. When the pain or hurt overwhelms, you endure until it subsides.
I guess you give up or you fight. Fighters take one day at a time. They choose their battles as to ones they believe they take on physically and emotionally. They make as much of a difference as they can.
I watched my mom fight a hopeless cause to survive and often I could not understand the reasoning of enduring such pain.
I never thought Becker would find himself locked up. Orbs, you said the same. I guess when enough attention comes to any powerful person who has done something this wrong, it becomes far too unpopular to continue to protect them. It is all we can hope for.
Fuck the Johnsons. They've protected a pedo pig for decades, and for that the community expresses its sympathy? Enablers should be charged as accessories to the crime.
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