Shut down Racine Unified for one year! What would be the pros and cons, would the cons out way the pros?
Unified is looking to cut expenses. They have some crazy ideas so this is my crazy idea; SHUT IT DOWN FOR A YEAR!
Save money on wages.
Continues to pay heath insurance.
Building maintenance would be greatly reduced.
Use the wage money to “fix up” the school buildings.
NO loss of seniority!
Every teacher in the city would want to kill me!
Loss of income for families, except for unemployment.
Tax base reduced for the city, less money taken in.
Loss of domestic product sales within the city.
This is just a few, I’m sure there are more for both sides.
So how many of you think I'm nuts?
Fire crews battle large barn fire in Caledonia
8 hours ago
Shut down Unified permanently. Bring back pre-60's style nuns to teach the children. Scores go up, discipline problems drop, dramatically. I just don't know where we're going to find the nuns...
Good point Orb's. What happened to all the Nun's? I remember at St. Edward's they all lived across the street. They had bunches of them. I guess they were all teachers. I don't think I have seen a REAL Nun In 20 years.
Toad, I think you have to go to Italy to find one....
In the mean time what happens to the kids?? What happens to the parents of the kids who will have to be home to care for them??
They should just teach the basics..reading. 'riting, and aritmatic. Maybe the last year they can go to economics (check writing) and politics (job hunting). And get rid of that 'pre-kindergarten'. It's nothing but a baby sitting service.
KUSD got a new superintendent, reorganized the central office, replaced one principal and all test scores improved, RUSD test scores have declined this year and every year since Shaw arrived! This speaks volumes.
And how long did you guys think about this Three Stooges plan?
I agree with Ed. Why is no one looking at removing Shaw? Sassa and WhyNot make good points, too.
After spending years in the schools and watching the horrendous decline, it is evident that we need change. Big changes are happening right now due to budget cuts, but I'm certain they are the wrong choices. Removing good staff, cramming more kids into classrooms, ignoring building needs are not the answer. This will only make it worse.
We need to drop the nonsense that every child can succeed. Only children who WANT to succeed, who come from families who value education will succeed. We spend 90% of our resources on 5% of disruptive, incorrigible, totally insubordinate kids who only want to be there to socialize and clown around. It brings down the level for everyone. It affects the fringe. It is like a Cancer within.
There are no enforceable rules and kids know it. All of societies problems are a microcosm within the schools at this point. Remember the girl at Mitchell Middle school who stabbed someone and the courts said she could not be expelled permanently? Schools need to concentrate on teaching, not fixing what society has failed.
We NEED some sort of Academy, a place where kids don't want to go as an alternative, until they prove they want to learn.
Right now, you can get a fantastic education in RUSD. You have to want it, and fight for it. Things are no where near what they were when you and I were in school.
Why Not,
Interesting question, 'who is going to watch the kids'?
The same people who watch them during the summer when school is out!
When I was working and summer came, there where many people changing shifts so one parent was home all the time.
To me, it part of having kids. If you want them you have to be prepared to take care of them. Too many parents use school as a daycare, whether it be 2nd grade of 9th.
Well said KK, There are many, many kids who went thru RUSD programs and are now very successful people in our society, I know I had two of them. I know you did as well. It all starts at home and how the importance of an education is prioritized. Isn't that what the TEP center is for?
I can't believe I just spent a half hour writing a response to KK on her comment, and the site said "I couldn't process, or whatever It say's"
Don't feel bad, Toad... The same darn thing happened to me when I composed the lengthy one above. You have to trust me.... the first one was much more profound! ;>
I agree with kk's comment, 'profound' or not.
I guess to put my comment In as FEW words as possible, I believe ROTTEN kids are the CANCER In schools, and should be removed, and placed In a kind of CORRECTIONAL facility. Correctional In the sense, correct your behavior, or stay here until your 18. That should solve the budget problems In the schools, and TAX the parent/parents of the children In the facility. If they don't want to learn get them the hell out.
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