My gastroenterologist prescribed a drug for me that my insurance doesn't cover. It costs $83 for a month's worth. Ouch. The first time, my sister paid for it. When it came time to renew, I decided not to do it because I can't afford it. Then a young woman at my pharmacy (Aurora on Erie St.) told me about an Rx card that could help. It's free, it's not insurance, enrollment is instantaneous, and it brought the price of my prescription down from $83 to $28.
It's called the U.S. Pharmacy Card and anyone can get one. Check it out:
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
Interesting. Good thing you found this help. I don't go to the Dr. anymore. I don't go out of spite. Hospitals, and clinics are raping us, and not one politician gives a shit. Essentially I have the same thing you have. IBS, Gastritis. About the same thing If you ask me. I hope the med. you got works, because the stuff I have doesn't do anything. It's basically "Prilosec" just not over the counter.
What a great thing to share, Orbs.
I hope others can benefit from it. I've had to pay full price on some other scripts in the past. This may help with some future ones. I'm more or less locked into my current prescription coverage because I take Lotronex for my IBS-D. Lotronex is very expensive. My current provider took me on when I was already taking it, so I'm "grandfathered" in, but no new provider will consider covering such an expensive medicine for a pre-existing condition.
Toad, have you tried any of those probiotic digestive aids/supplements? They never worked for me, but my case is pretty vicious. The only thing that ever worked 100% was Paxil, an antidepressant that I once was prescribed. One of its side effects was that it perfectly regulated my digestive tract. Unfortunately, Paxil had way too many other negative side effects on me. I gained a lot of weight, lost all ambition, got erectile dysfunction, and became even more angry than usual. But I pooped real good.
Thanks for posting his Orbs.
Try again. Thanks for posting THIS Orbs. Sheesh.
This is very interesting! I can't believe the price breaks!
They also do some lab work. The lab is right on Durand Ave. across from the mall. You can get a CBC (complete blood count) for $16.00. They charge well over $100.00 for that at All Saint's, not to mention the handling charges, rubber gloves and (BS) bandaid charges they tack on. Of course maybe you have to overlook the rusty needles? ;>
Geez, I also found this:
kk, where did you get that info on the lab work?
wow that's amazing.. good to remember.. Last time we were there we had to buy some antibiotics for Maia, the doctor thought he was doing us a favor by prescribing an antibiotic that didn't need to be refrigerated (we were just days away from flying back to Sweden).. We got to the pharmacy and it was going to cost 100 dollars?!?! for 10 doses?!??!? The girl behind the counter did something and signed us up for something still don't know what it is and we ended up paying about 45 dollars.. don't understand what happened, but it was nice to cut that much off of the prescription..
Orbs: from the front page of your link, let the woman finish, then click on Lab Info - click here. It will show you the most popular tests. CBC w/diff + platelets is a very popular test done by doctors all the time. When I had anemia, shoot, they were running that baby ALL the time. From that page, you can click on other tests or Locate a Lab by zip code.
Or... you can try this link:
Orb's: I've been taking Paxil for years. I have to tell you. It certainly doesn't do much for me. Besides that, I'm still a pissed as ever.
Toad, yeah, the SSRIs act differently on everyone. That's why it's such a crap shoot when a doc prescribes one. I didn't take any antidepressant after the Paxil for awhile, but then my GI doctor put me on Lexapro. It was great. It helped with the depression and no side effects. (Unfortunately, none on my digestive tract, either.) I think those antidepressants stop working after a few months, though; or, at least, that's been my experience.
My shrink told me my anger is a manifestation of my depression (and depression is "anger turned inward"). Who knows? I'm seeing a new shrink next month. I was telling my old shrink for years that the Lexapro wasn't working anymore, but he ignored me. Now my GI doc says my stomach problems are largely the result of untreated depression. (There are serotonin receptors in your gut. It has its own nervous system.) I'm hoping that this shrink can come up with the right combination.
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