I woke up this morning and looked out the window and I became amazed at what nature is capable of. Although I'm not a fan of winter, I am in awe of how much our environment can change in just a few months. So I thought I would post a couple of pictures taken in the last 4 months.

These pictures were taken withing the last 4 months.

Taken within the last two weeks....
And finally taken today.. May 4th 2011 (may the forth be with you.. )

I don't like where this is heading..
Second go at the picture thing.. I've impressed myself I actually did it..
Nice Pics Why Not...damn quick summer......laugh'in
Wow.. Nice job What if! lol
Nice pictures Why Not.
Do you have air conditioning? You might be turning that on in the next week. That is how is goes....
Thanks for the pictures. Now that you have the upload mastered, maybe you will share some more from Sweden with us?
Yeah, Who dat, meatballs would be a good start. lol
What is that ugly white stuff in the pictures? Ahh, I can't look!
Air conditioning is not a normal thing around here in Sweden but we do have 3 table fans..
I would love to put up some more pictures of Sweden.. I will have to look through my camera to see what I have in there.. and might have to take a trip around here..
Great job with the pics Why Not! You know, I'd love see more pics from Sweden.
The girls are so adorable...hope I can get to see you and them this summer!
well we are around for about 4 months.. so if you are around you'll be able to meet them.. pretty unbelievable that last time I was there Maia was just a newborn about 3-4 months old..
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