It's always bugged me that because I don't have religion, those that do feel there is nothing holding me back from going ape shit crazy and becoming a murderous thieving low life. I've explained before how millions follow the Golden Rule and there are actually far more rapists, murderers, thieves and low lifes that believe than unbelievers. Time and again this is proven out. It is with great consternation that I read the foll0wing news report that because of the law abiding attitude, and let sleeping dogs lie tolerance, Atheism's Free Speech is being infringed upon.
I hope there is no need for furthering this lawsuit, but also hope it is taken all the way if need be. Imagine, Atheists are more law abiding than religious, and because of this Atheists are singled out to pay for insurance in case Christians cause vandalism to the buses sporting Atheism's advertisement. No insurance is required for messages from Christian organizations. A true double standard, and one that shows (at least in my eyes) that Atheism fallows the Golden Rule a LOT closer than Christians.
Fire crews battle large barn fire in Caledonia
8 hours ago
Next thing you know, insurance companies will charge me more for auto insurance because I have a Darwin fish (or and FSM fish) instead of a Jesus fish.
This only proves that everyone has gone "ape shit crazy."
If you have found true serenity in whatever you believe, why would you feel the need to justify your beliefs or advertise to recruit?
We had one of the Good Without God billboard here in Tucson for a while (2-3 months ballpark...forget exactly how long). It did not get vandalized but lots of Christians got their undies in a bunch over it.
I see billboards advertising various churches around town and ads for churches on benches/bus stops. Conservatively, I have seen over a hundred ads for churches here but only one for atheists.
The message is that Christian speech is okay but not the speech of non-believers.
KKD, I have found true serenity. I've never pushed my beliefs here, or anywhere. I don't tend to argue religion because it bothers me when I win. It doesn't feel good turning one from their faith. That sort of thing might be fine for one religious belief pulling on another, but the times I've been dragged into the discussion, logic wins too often. It feels like telling a little kid there is no Santa Clause.
What I am about with this blog is freedom of speech. I came here solely for that reason. I feel so strongly about freedom of speech that I fight for whichever side is not being allowed to do so. Always said I'm all for prayer in school. I think that each religion should be allowed five minutes a day, and each religion of the world (and there are thousands, should get the five minutes in the morning on a rotational. Naturally no blood sacrifices, but everything else. Wouldn't that be a great idea for multicultural learning? Yeah, prayer in school wouldn't be a bad thing if it weren't for the monotheists making the rules.
Atheism is the true religion of tolerance.
I was not attacking you, huck. I understand that churches do promote and publicize... I don't ususally make my beliefs public. Why argue and debate? I think if someone finds comfort in any belief, more power to them.
"Whatever gets you through the night, is alright," John Lennon sang. I agree, as long as your beliefs don't intrude on others beliefs. Unfortunately, human history is stained with the blood of forced conversions and inquisitions and crusades and burnings at the stake and pogroms and jihads and what-have-you. It seems like only the Buddhists don't react like savages to competing religions.
I have never understood why, if people are so damn sure of their beliefs, that they have to go out and murder millions to prove it.
KK, I think your comment was perfect, and had ALL the common sense needed to understand that basically means "to each his own" If whatever your belief makes one happy that Is just wonderful, but don't try to sell me something I don't want. Seems like what you said was quite to the point.
Huck, Your correct. It surly appears to be a "Double Standard"
I always considered Abortion, and Jack Kovorakian as a "Double Standard"
Toad, please explain the Kervorkian and Abortion double standard comment. I'm obtuse and didn't follow it
Huck, I find It amazing that the Government allows women to kill a fetus, yet Jack Kovorakian was put In prison for assisting persons that wished to die, to do so. As we all know, these people were not leading active happy lives, they were people without hope of a decent life or were essentially hopelessly ill.
Ah, My own beliefs are that the first trimester is fertile ground for abortion. I don't see a "baby" or "child" with something smaller and less viable than a pinky mouse. The second is very gray area, and the third or late term abortions are too late. The imminent death of the mother might be one reason, but I'd listen to arguments trading the mother for the child. Jack on the other hand has always been my hero. No double standards there.
Huck, I will give you a "for instance" A pregnancy Is In the works for a specific woman. This woman decides that It isn't something she really wants to do. The pregnancy goes forward, and 16 years later you look at this wonderful, intelligent child, and can ONLY wonder. What If? However I do not, and will not demonize the people that DO choose the abortion option.
Well, we can also look at the gal that doesn't want a kid, but has one because of the protesters at the clinics and the stigma plus the fact budgets are cut and she can't afford one. She lives on Welfare and through neglect and abuse, the fine young man ends up in prison at the age of 17 for homicide.
Each argument has it's points. In the end, it is a woman's body and her decision. The father? It is so very rare we have them standing up and being counted that when one does, it makes the news.
Huck: Well, I guess that Is why protection Is now accessible to anybody that should NEED It. The Government took away a parents right to know what their children are doing. I guess it's none of our business, until we have to pay for It.
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