Hello everybody! Welcome back to Four for Fridays! Vacation is over and it's back to the daily grind of things...Anyways, here's some random questions for ya!
1) Do you think kids are growing up to fast these days or not fast enough.
2) If you were to write a novel, what would it be about?
3) Do you take the main streets or the back roads to get to your destination?
4) Chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
Enjoy your weekend!
First steps: Exoskeleton helps Milwaukee man learn to walk
26 minutes ago
1) WAY to fast
2) I have no idea
3) Both...
4) vanilla ice cream?
1. I think children are given way too much materially, allowed too much independence, and adult expectations are thrown on them. It isn't emotionally healthy for them. Society, the parents, and a lack of parenting is at fault.
2. Here is something I haven't told many people. I actually started a book, once. I had many chapters written. It was on my very first computer. The hard drive failed, and I let it go. That was before I understood the concept of backing it up.
3. I love the back roads but I'm too impatient to take them when I have to get somewhere.
4. Vanilla, no question.
Drew...Thanks for the titilating questions...lol, I love that word.
1. Way too fast. Kids have to learn to be kids first.
2. I wanted to write an autobiography, but first I need to buy stories from someone that had some good stories to write about...lol Seinfeld.
3. Like Steppenwolf said"Head out on the highway" Drew knows that one...lol
4. I don't eat any sweets, except maybe homemade Bailey's.
1) I remember when my son was in school he didn't even learn the computer until 5th grade and now the kids are learning them in 1st grade. So it is way to fast now.
2) I always wanted to write about the changes from like Little House on the Prairie to now and also about me growing up. But I have never done that.
3) I like the back roads unless it is a long distance ride. I hate the stop lights and traffic.
4) The only good one Vanilla.
1) Growing up way too fast too slowly.
2) What I did on My Summer Vacation
3) It all depends which road is ripped up.
3) Abstain -- Lactose intolerant
1. Too fast and too entitled.
2. Not a clue.
3. When we travel it's always the fast route as we want to get there. One of these days we are going to go on a Route 66 drive.
4. Chocolate.
1. Depends on the area of development. I don't think they are maturing fast enough in some areas, and WAY too fast in others.
2. Started one. Science Fiction with the science based in a bit more reality and what is possible than what I've been reading. Impossible physics is a pet peeve of mine.
3. Both. If I find a back road route that bypasses traffic and is faster, I use it and hope no one else finds out about it to keep it from congestion. 16th street from Ohio to Oaks Rd come to mind. You miss four lights and a ton of cross traffic. Oops, let the cat out of the bag on that one.
4. Chocolate. ALWAYS
Mary, Rt. 66. During my, "I'm agonna die." cancer years I drove Rt. 66 in an Escort pulling an Acorn (Scamp) trailer. Every time a semi came up I could feel the draft slow me down. The car had five speeds but I never got out of fourth gear. A lot of the Rt 66 Highway is gone now, but there are still sections of it that pass through the middle of small town after town. Ended up in LA after passing through FlagStaf, and saw J. Leno and the tonight show front row off center. Did you know they film it in the morning?
Rt. 66 worth the trip. Take it slow and explore. Camp. Walk the trails
1. They just plain are NOT growing up. They have BIG surprises ahead.
2. Never EVER split twins up In school. You will ruin ONE life.
3. I like the back roads. The interstate Is too frustrating.
4. Vanilla
Mary, When you and Gary plan this Route 66 trip, let me know. We will meet In OK, and get on In maybe Nebraska or Texas, It Is truly amazing. My wife would just love to see the West. We took the trip In 1960. Darn near drove my Mom and Dad nuts (are we there yet) but we saw so MUCH, I will never forget It. I just wish I would have taken some "Burma Shave" signs.
1. way too fast, but smart is delayed
2. I blog, I don't write other than that
3. If I'm in a hurry, main streets unless there is alot of traffic and an abundance of idiots, then back roads it is, rather be alone that around wackadoos
4. Chocolate, no doubt, the only one worth having, unless it's with cake, then maybe vanilla
1. Losing innocence faster yes. Gaining ability to function in a non-supervised environment is taking a lot longer.
2. Near term science fiction.
3. Some of my destinations you can only get to on the back roads!
4. What is this "vanilla" of which you speak?
1) This question is like double edged sword..I was watching Little House on the Prairie the other day and noticed one of the characters got married at the tender age of 15. 15 years old and living the life of an adult. Then I see an 18 year girl almost incapable of making decisions without her mother. I see children losing their innocence at a younger age due to this electronic age, shoved in front of TVs and playing video games. Many of them are clueless to what to expect from being an adult.
2) I'm not sure, but I wouldn't mind doing a book of album reviews.
3) Mostly back roads. I'm way too impatient to deal with traffic.
4) Chocolate!
Actually, Rt 66 is about a mile from our house. There is still an old rusty bridge over there. And on the way to Red River NM we go along Rt 66 for a while.
Not that this matters to anyone but me, but a few years ago Paul McCartney and his girlfriend took the trip. Said it was great.
Mary, I get it. I still have a little "thing" for Paul.
Thanks KK
I still have a big thing for John. (Please, no gay jokes.)
1) I agree with everyone who said kids lose their innocence younger but many seem unable to function in society.
2) I should write a collection of short stories about my experiences when I worked at an auto repair shop in Chicago. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times," literally. Some of the tings that happened must have required a special conjunction of the stars or something.
kk, i can't imagine losing all that work on a book. :-(
Good luck to everyone who is writing. Keep at it.
3) In the city, I pretty much take the main streets except for a few shortcuts I know. I don't do much highway driving nowadays. I visit friends in Milwaukee, occasionally, though. Then I almost always take 32 north to Oakwood Road (or Hwy 100), then west to Pennsylvania Ave, then north on Pennsylvania to the 794 extension into Milwaukee. From there, you can access 94, 894, 43, etc., or just continue into the city. There's more stops along this route, but it equals the time to drive out to 94 and then back into Milwaukee, and is much less hectic.
4) Both.
Late to the party!
1. Way too fast...
2. Grandma! Oh boy, the stories I could tell
3. Main Streets for the most part.
4. Vanilla (French Vanilla, actually...haven't had any ice cream in so long...aaaaah, to just have one spoonful!
Mary, No kidding about RTE. 66 being a mile away. We must have driven right by the field your house ended up In. I don't even remember Oklahoma. Maybe It wasn't there yet?
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