Chivalry needs to come back in full force. Sure, there are a few guys out there that still are very sweet and gentlemanly, but it's becoming a lost art. Maybe I'm just growing up in the wrong era, I don't know. I was out on errands, in no hurry at all. I was heading to Kohl's, and saw a guy standing on an island in the parking lot. I stopped to let him cross. He got mad at me and angrily waved me on. Seriously? How can people get mad at you for being nice? My faith in humanity was restored as I was going into the store. A lady was on her way out with her hands full and I held the door for her, like the average human being should, at least those with a heart. She was shocked and so thankful, that is surprised me. I finished shopping smiling, even after the ogre.
My daughter is dating. Is it odd of me to have told her not to stop him from being a gentleman and let him open doors for her? As far as I'm concerned, that should be an automatic response to his interest in her, showing and 'honoring' her by doing simple, polite things. I watched him walk her to the car, wondering what a freak chance it would be that he would even open her car door for her. Nope. That's ok tho, he's a good kid, that just would have been an amazing sign that chivalry really does still exist. He's on the right track, I guess I just have seen too many knight in shining armour movies... one day her prince will come, maybe this one, maybe not.
Be kind to one another, and you can leave the heavy armour suit at home as long as it's always in the heart :)
I was amazed years ago when I was babysitting for a family. They taught their son to be very respectful and it was really something to watch this kid grow up. He pulled out my chair for me and pushed it back in for supper. He was 7 at the time! This is how they were trained to treat guests, at least the ladies. His uncle, who drove me home, told me to stay in the car when we got to my house. I had no idea what was going on. He came around, opened my door for me and walked me to the door. WOW, talk about an instant crush, holy moly!!
WELL LIZ, Here I go again, NEGATIVE. I am sorry to advise you that FEW young people today could even tell you what the hell Chivalry was. It's just another thing lost In the generation changes. I also love that one, when you wave for someone to go ahead and cross a parking lot or whatever, and they get angry with you. To put It In my terms, the whole country Is full of ASSHOLES. That Is why I prefer animals (not the human kind) dogs,cats, and other animals.
Great topic Liz!
A couple of stories here...Not so long ago I stopped at a convenience store for a soda. As I approached the cooler, a noticed a couple of young ladies yakking away in front of the cooler, in my way. So I said,"Excuse me, Ma'am." as I reached for the cooler door. Both of them gave a shocked look..."Ma'am?" one of them said. It was my turn to look shocked..."I was just trying to be polite." I said. Somehow I got the feeling that they hardly ever got a polite word from a stranger before.
Another story... While I was at the Styx concert at Summerfest, I was approached by a young guy while waiting in line for a beer. "Buy me a beer!", he demands. I told him to get the f&#k out of here. As he sized me up, I wasn't going to give in to his childish, drunken demands. All he did was raise his hand and said, "You're cool, high five!" I ignored him.
Goes to show how pleasant and polite that some people are these days...
Chivalry isn't all dead though, I still open doors for people, I still let people have there right of way at intersections, I still carry the load for my girlfriend, I still respect my elders. I still see others do the same. It gives me a warm feeling to see the happen, but it seems to be a less common place these days...
I like when a man holds a door for me. It is respectful and makes you feel special and appreciated. I always make sure to say thank you. Going around the outside of the car to let me out is a bit over the top.
I have had instances where I've held a door for a man if he is carrying something... Surprisingly, I've gotten negative reactions from some men for that.
As for someone waving me on from another car... I don't like that at all. Who made them the traffic cop? There are rules of the road, and they should be followed. I love those people who stop at no stop sign and wave you out into traffic when you legally have a stop sign. Waving someone on does not trump the law. When I learned how to drive, I was taught not to ever wave someone on. They also taught us we should never take a wave from someone else. If an accident occurs, you are the one responsible for your vehicle, regardless of who waved at whom.
Some kids are still taught manners. Unfortunately, it does seem to be less than when we were children. I still think the majority of people are good, it is just that the negative is easier to spot, is in the news more, and is harder to forget.
Manners overall are out the window, and rude and crude rule.
I still hold the door open for other people, male or female. If I was taking a woman on a date, I would certainly open the car door for her, when she entered and exited. But I think that is considered old fashioned now. I still have the "ladies first" mentality, even though my generation was supposedly liberated from all that. I think it really comes down to what you were taught when you were young.
I just can’t remember the last time I took my coat off and put it over a water puddle so the lady could walk across without getting her feet wet.....gezzzz, I must be slip’in.
One of the things I have noticed since moving here to Mn is the friendliness of people. We live just outside of the Twin Cities. Driving and shopping has become a pleasure again for me. No one has flipped me off or been rude to me since we've been here.
One of the newspapers The Pioneer Press has a Taints & Saints section that is published once a week. Surprisingly... more saints than taints. People write in about other people paying for their meals ( that happens more than you would imagine) neighbors doing nice things, helping stranded drivers, etc.
Yes, there are the taints about rude drivers with cell phones, etc.. but it just makes me feel good to read all the good things that people still do, just out of the kindness of their hearts.
I think some people have gotten so caught up in their lives that it does become all about them... me me me......
It's the way they were raised.
OK, so with all of this going on, I have one name for all of you to recall....Eddie Haskill...Could not have been more of troublemaking charming young fellow. Need I say more? lol
KK, It's apparent most of the people that live here, or work, and drive here, are true believers In your driving policy. They don't even stop for the signs In the middle of the street for people to cross.
MC, I'm happy for you. I visited Minneapolis over 30 years ago and what I remember is how strikingly clean the city was. Either people didn't litter there, or someone was constantly picking it up.
I can tell you one thing is I have never had a door opened for me except for my dad. My ex husband never opened a door for my in the nineteen years we were married.
There are so many kids these days that do not know how to say thank you to anyone. My kids know better to make sure they say thank you and please to people. To me it is the friends that the kids hang around with is the way they act.
The first time my boyfriend opened a door for me I was so shocked and happy at the same time. Because that tells me that he is a very special man. We even say thank you and please to each other.
Yes there are a lot of very rude people out there. For example on the way up north Friday I had gotten cut off by a semi. I was so irate about it. It seemed like everyone this past weekend were just cutting me off on the road. I felt like I was getting road rage and I don't like feeling like that when I am driving. That is how people make me feel these days. That is how rude people are these days.
I have a gentleman in my life...doors are opened...my food is ordered (which was a new one for me!), drinks appear...it is so nice...Yes, I can do all these things myself, but to tell you the truth, it feels so nice to be treated like a lady....so very nice.
THB, one of the things I do a lot these days is pull over and let others pass me by. Racine is full of tailgaters. And I'm not some granny puttering along at 20 mph. I'll keep up with the maniacs on north Douglas Ave doing 50 easy. I just try to keep as much space between me and other vehicles as is possible. Other people's driving is what I fear the most on the road.
I agree with orbs. I've pulled over and let people pass me. I hate tailgaters, too. I definitely fear other people on the road; it is the inattentive driving that worries me the most...someone slamming into me from behind because they are reading a message or texting.
Toad, I think you misunderstood what I was saying. Mostly the people who are waving you on, are not following the general rules of the road. If everyone did that... well, gee, we'd all be safer.
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