There are schools which have Indian names a logos and mascots. A law has been passed last year (Act 250) which wants Schools to change their logos and mascots name if they are Indian, such as the case of the Marquette University Warriors to the Golden Eagles.
If this is a case of discrimination against the Indians why do so many cities and towns in Wisconsin have Indian names or words? Should all these places be forced to change their names also?
You can read the article in the JSOnline by CLICKING HERE
This is a very interest site about the history of Racine, well worth reading I my opinion. Maybe I’ll give you all a test later in the week...Oh my, that would be different! Click here for Racine History
To bad Racine is a French name otherwise we could change it to “Liars Town”, party on John!
First steps: Exoskeleton helps Milwaukee man learn to walk
37 minutes ago
logjam said...
William T. Piper named his aircraft with Indian names out of respect and recognition. The same for the Army naming it's fleet of helicopters as such. My old Reserve unit was the 36th ARCOM BH. The "BH" initials were in honor of a regional Native American leader Chief Black Hawk. It seems the majority of people that are raising a stink about this are guilty feeling honkies! The Seminole nation in Florida told the NCAA to shove it when the NCAA wanted FSU to change their Seminole mascot name. Likewise the Sioux nation in North Dakota with Sioux UND mascot name. MU was totally gutless in their change.
Now, were is the indignation of the NCAA with Notre Dame by depicting the Irish as phyically violent little people dressed in green clothes and engaged in a politically incorrect act by SMOKING a pipe.
Logjam, it is insane, some of the Indian Nations say f**k off other want the change, same for the Mexicans, had to get ride of the Frito Bandito, they claim it made all Mexicans look bad. Sambo's restaurant had to change their name. Aunt Jemima had to change her picture. And the list goes on.
During WWII Indians where use to send and receive messages, the enemy had no idea what they where saying or could figure it out. Now that (to me) is something to be damn proud of instead of bitching about a mascot...gezzzz.
As the founding member of TOOFAR (The OrbsCorbs Organization For Animal Rights), I am going to sue over the use of names like 'cougars' and 'lions' by sports teams. It is demeaning to the dignity of animals to have their names used in games. How would you feel about names like the Cincinnati Caucasions or the Nebraska Negroids or the Pittsburgh Pollacks?
Sue first, ask questions later.
As CEO and founder of WABARTPNTWASANS, (We are blond and resent the preconceived notion that we are stupid and not smart) I demand that people cease and desist with the freaking blond jokes!
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