The fall blah's have set in,
I don't mind it getting dark early, that actually
helps me get to bed early like I need to.
But the dreariness and cold, yuck.
I am putting up my Christmas decorations
sometime this week.
There is just something about everything
lit up that bring me such joy.
Maybe it's the crankiness level of people?
Maybe it's the cold?
I don't know and I don't care,
I'm going to be all set up by the weekend
and I'll be HAPPY :)
I love the Christmas decorations.. I hate putting them away every year.. I'd be all for it myself but I am going to have Thanksgiving here (my own version that is done on the weekend instead of Thursday) and we wouldnt fit people in this little apartment if there were a tree in the middle of it all.. and thats the part that I really like.. I will wait until just after Thanksgiving.. but I hear you about putting them up already, wouldnt call you crazy at all..
You are not crazy for wanting to put your decorations up early. Make yourself happy and feel better.
I have a Christmas village that takes up the whole bottom of the tree. That is up north in my storage shed. I wish I could put it up down here. We just don't have the room for it right now. I love decorating the house for Christmas too.
The only thing I don't like is being shoved around the stores shopping. One year I had a lady take something right out of my hand that I was going to buy for one of my kids.
Go ahead and put them up! I am so ready but will probably wait until two weeks from today. I have the Wednesday off before Thanksgiving so that is the day I was going to do everything but I might be rethinking it.
You all go for it, whatever makes you happy, I'm all for it... Btw LM, The words of the great Mike Ditka "This too will pass" Hang in there everyone, be positive.
Egad, really? Even the festivus pole seems a little too festive.
We need something to secure the Festivus pole so it doesn't get ripped off. I know! How about a Festivus polelock?
(ba dump boom....TSSSS) {you gotta visualize the air drum thing}
Festivus polelock sounds like a wrestling move or some weird lovemaking position. BTW Mary 2 weeks from today is Tuesday the 22nd, not Wed. lol
yup, I did it, and I love it! I thought I'd do it this weekend but nope, got inspired by the completely crappy weather and rain, and maybe the fact that they got snow north of here? it was time, now with the flip of the switch, viola, lights and happiness no matter what it's like out there :) I have found my happy place :)
LM Good for You!
I took down my Halloween decorations, but I haven't found the time/energy to put up the Christmas stuff. I don't know if I will. Maybe just some lights.
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