Our marvelous and majestic Green Bay Packers showed little love or mercy for the San Diego Chargers last Sunday, extending Green Bay’s undefeated streak to 8 this season. Next up are the Minnesota Vikings on Monday Night Football, Nov. 14, 7:30 PM, at Lambeau Field. Never take an opponent for granted and never give less than your best. I predict another Green Bay win, but the game will be closer than you would think.
In my ongoing campaign to dispel the negativity in today’s society, I am pointedly ignoring the news again; international, national, and, especially, local news. I’m sorry, but even thinking about it makes me nauseous sometimes.
Instead, I offer you things like this: “Vitrolum Republic develops 'gypsy noir' sound,” http://www.jsonline.com/entertainment/musicandnightlife/sound-check-vitrolum-republic-133090698.html. They are a Milwaukee band with a website, http://www.thevitrolumrepublic.com/, and a sound they call ‘gypsy noir:’
I like them. Maybe I’ll catch one of their shows soon. I wonder if they’d allow a humble gypsy Madame such as me the honor of singing a song with them. We shall see.
Thank you, my dears, for reading my blog this week. You are so kind to me. The Irregulars really are my extended family. I love you all very much.
Send your reflections and rejections to: madamezoltar@jtirregulars.com.
Be careful driving around in all that darkness out there, please. And soon we’ll have the white stuff making it slipperier and colder. Oh dear, don’t even think it. Ultroneous!
Those Packers where starting to turn that game into a nail biter. Up by 21 and trying to hold on at the end of the game, thank goodness for the interseption.
Ultroneous - a. [L. ultroneus, from ultro to the further side, on his part, of one's own accord. See Ultra-.] Spontaneous; voluntary. [Obs.] --Jer. Taylor. -- Ul*tro"ne*ous*ly, adv. [Obs.] -- Ul*tro"ne*ous*ness, n. [Obs.]
What exactly does this mean? I am very confused, surprised? Looks like alot of Orbs or something.
Lol, that's what I saw, too.
Thank you, Mme. Z, for another wonderful blog. Vitrolum Republic sound more gypsy than noir to me.
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