For lunch today, hubby and I went out . The meal was decent, service so so, but not relevant.
As we were leaving, the car beside ours (on my side), I could tell they were about to get out of their vehicle. Realizing this, I stayed at the rear of the car as to not make them feel pressured to hurry. It ended up an older couple (guessing 70's?, tho he was probably 80ish), who I usually find quite adorable. The wife, or at least the lady of the 'couple' came to the back of their car. The gentleman, seeming a bit slow and frail, slowly got out of his car, and she started complaining to ME, a complete stranger, how the doors on their car are so big, way too big, obnoxiously too big (all her words) and as he worked on getting out, she continued how she won't try to help him so he doesn't feel like an invalid (ok, almost sounds considerate, almost...) then immediately follows with "the invalid that he is", with a frustrated sigh of impatience and almost disgust. I don't even know this couple. He couldn't hear her, thank goodness. He then opened my door for me as it was right beside him and I had waited. I thought he was the sweetest thing, and just a cutie by his actions. The 'lady' he was with, I was taken so aback by how mean spirited she was toward him, to a complete stranger.
We drove home and I felt so sad and hurt for this guy, who was taking this unkind lady for lunch. Is it just me? Are people just this cruel and impatient?
First steps: Exoskeleton helps Milwaukee man learn to walk
39 minutes ago
I know we're nearing the holidays and they bring out the worst in people, but come on folks, this is only the beginning of November for pity sake, pace yourself or you'll wear out your crabbies before the holidays even get here...
Maybe he has a hearing aid he can turn off when she starts complaining. If they're married and have been together forever, they're both used to it. If not, he might kick her to the curb and pick up another 'chick.'
I think it's very sad.. If you live your life with someone I would hope that you would be able to stand them at least.. No one should have to live through abuse, but of course it's hard to know what he is like at home..
LM, reminds me of my grandma. They too were in their 80's. They were out somewhere and getting in the car to leave, he always had to open the car door for her, being a gentleman. This time tho, after shutting the door and starting to walk to the driver's side door, he got robbed by some punks. Well after all this happened, minutes later he finally got to the car door, open the door, only to be greeted with a "Joe, where the hell have you been"? She was a real piece of work.
Wonder why that woman isn't in Florida by now...seems like all the rude ones have arrived, screaming at their poor husbands...ahhh, the joys of Sam's at noon-time! Free samples and free bitching.....
There's a lot less old men than old ladies around, so those abused guys should get a divorce and play the field.
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