Some choose the term psychic, instead I choose to refer to my skills as psychikos for my area of expertise, which derives itself more from the ancient terminology. I was born with this gift that has come to me from lives before and deep within my family history.
When I learned of the turmoil surrounding your sublime Madame Zoltar: the potential thievery and scam, and her possible leave of absence from your website, I contacted The JT Irregulars to offer my services. A lovely blogger sent off an invitation to visit (telepathically) and browse through your auras. After scanning the group, I find this cohesive team to be very interesting, indeed!
Of recent, I am receiving a tumult of emotional vibrations from the renowned Madame Zoltar. She appears to have conflicting thoughts and fatigue that may require a brief respite, perhaps a long cruise to the Azure Sea?
Your surrounding environs has recently been under undo extreme of politics, budget restraints, job loss, and sorry to say, future blight. These assaults can alter ones thoughts and dreams and cause constant transmission of negative waves - - of which you may not even be aware. Perhaps, by caring for so many bloggers thoughts, the madame could be suffering some burn-out, which frequently happens to those of us who are constantly on call.
While I never would presume to take over for the splendid, jovial, eloquent (and might I be bold enough to say beautiful?) Madame Z., I humbly offer to assist, on a temporary basis, wherever I can. Of course, my fees would be waived or greatly reduced in the case of extreme or prolonged need.
While I prefer the name Senor Zanza, you can refer to me as Renifor, if you wish. I feel as if I already know you all personally!