Friday, June 17, 2011
Eins, Zwei, G'suffa.......
And yes, In Muchen does steht ein hofbrauhaus. I was to busy eating weiBwurst, pretzels, and bier getrinken, I forgot to take some pictures. I used this one from YouTube. It's a pretty lively place. And this was at lunch.....
More Pics From Deutchland
I know the pictures on my first post of my trip to Germany were somewhat depressing. So I thought I would show you some others that show you how beautiful a country it is and will make you want to take the trip.
This is German beer (I should have taken the picture before I started drinking it)
This is one of the places you drink German beer.
These are Germans taking a breathalyzer after drinking lots of German beer. Not really. They are playing Alpine horns.
The Schloss Nueschwanstein ("schloss" means "castle" in German)
The is the famous castle that is on all the Lufthansa ad posters and the one Disney modeled their castle after. It is a "modern" castle since it was completed in the late 19th century. It even had indoor plumbing. Not good for Konig Ludwig since after he damn near broke the bank on building it, a court ruled him crazy. He was found floating in the lake behind the castle shortly after that. (did I mention that while he was floating he was also dead?)
German horses. Since the castle is a couple of kilometers up a steep winding road, you either have to walk, take a bus, or a horse drawn wagon to get there. These horses definitely didn't understand English....You say "Giddyup" to them and they just stand there looking at you stupid.
A mountain inside the Berchtesgaden. The Berchtesgaden is a very large national park in southern Germany. The Obersalsburg located in the Berchtesgaden is were you know who had his mountain retreat. The park is huge and very beautiful.
The is the famous castle that is on all the Lufthansa ad posters and the one Disney modeled their castle after. It is a "modern" castle since it was completed in the late 19th century. It even had indoor plumbing. Not good for Konig Ludwig since after he damn near broke the bank on building it, a court ruled him crazy. He was found floating in the lake behind the castle shortly after that. (did I mention that while he was floating he was also dead?)
Lighthouse Run
Tomorrow, Saturday, June 18, you can register from 6:30 to 7:30 AM. The big race starts at 8:00.
So, how many Irregulars are participating? I assume that if hale were in town, he'd be in it. I bet kk could do it in her sleep. Speaking of sleep, I have a very important date at that time tomorrow with the Sandman...
So, how many Irregulars are participating? I assume that if hale were in town, he'd be in it. I bet kk could do it in her sleep. Speaking of sleep, I have a very important date at that time tomorrow with the Sandman...
Lots of Water...
I have been busy this week but am finally starting to catch up. I was on a trip last to South Dakota/Iowa. Before I cam home, I got to visit the Gavins Point Damn near Yankton, South Dakota Sunday afternoon. My parents had a 25' sailboat we kept on Lewis and Clark Lake behind the damn so I was looking forward to seeing the area again.
As you might know, there is a lot of flooding going on along the Missouri River. On Sunday, they were releasing 145,000 cubic feet of water per second (for reference, Niagra Falls clocks in at about 110,000 cubic feet per second on average). They have never opened the floodgates this far. That rate of flow would totally drain the lake in about 24 hours, except that all the damns upstream are releasing water at the same rate.
Of course, I got pictures.

And I got a short video with my digital camera.
They upped the flow rate slightly on Tuesday to 150,000 cubic feet per second. They expect to keep up this flow rate through sometime in August.
I spent lots of weekends there while growing up and never saw anything like this. It was common to see none of the floodgates open at all (there is a hydroelectric plant there and frequently the only water they would release would be that needed to generate electricity).
I was worried about getting caught in lots of traffic. Fortunately, that part of South Dakota is not heavily populated and the park rangers were doing a bang up job of traffic control (and I was there early Sunday afternoon when traffic should have been pretty heavy).
Here's hoping all the levees hold downstream as this deluge moves south.
As you might know, there is a lot of flooding going on along the Missouri River. On Sunday, they were releasing 145,000 cubic feet of water per second (for reference, Niagra Falls clocks in at about 110,000 cubic feet per second on average). They have never opened the floodgates this far. That rate of flow would totally drain the lake in about 24 hours, except that all the damns upstream are releasing water at the same rate.
Of course, I got pictures.

And I got a short video with my digital camera.
They upped the flow rate slightly on Tuesday to 150,000 cubic feet per second. They expect to keep up this flow rate through sometime in August.
I spent lots of weekends there while growing up and never saw anything like this. It was common to see none of the floodgates open at all (there is a hydroelectric plant there and frequently the only water they would release would be that needed to generate electricity).
I was worried about getting caught in lots of traffic. Fortunately, that part of South Dakota is not heavily populated and the park rangers were doing a bang up job of traffic control (and I was there early Sunday afternoon when traffic should have been pretty heavy).
Here's hoping all the levees hold downstream as this deluge moves south.
Four for Fridays
Hello everybody! Welcome back to Four for Fridays after a busy week. It's been kinda hectic lately. Anyways, this weeks' questions are random...
1) What's your favorite TV show in syndication?
2) What do you like the most about being an Irregular?
3) What celebrity do you think has too much exposure?
4) Do you know how to dance?
Enjoy your weekend!
1) What's your favorite TV show in syndication?
2) What do you like the most about being an Irregular?
3) What celebrity do you think has too much exposure?
4) Do you know how to dance?
Enjoy your weekend!
"Bug On Touchscreen Computer"
"A fly takes control of a man's touchscreen. This is why you always wait for the second generation of new devices. The first ones usually have too many bugs." -
Really? Can a fly, or other bug, apply enough pressure to operate a touchscreen? I would never have thought of this.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
"eHarmony Video Bio Beer"
Here's a submission from reader Mike P., in response to OrbsCorbs' YouTube blog about the young woman who was crazy for cats:
Thank you, Mike.
Thank you, Mike.
Weiner Resigns
I dedicate this song to Mr. Weiner’s resignation.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Scooping SER
This gal has learned how to fly. All it takes is a lot of effort and concentration she says.
We're all agonna DIE!
God is turning the Sun off and Hale Bopp isn't warning us. It's why the Aztec calendar ends at 2012. Their Sun God hasn't been fed with the blood and beating hearts of the courageous and virgins. We need to do something QUICK.
Dear Madame Zoltar
I recently ate a delicious meal at downtown Racine’s Whey Chai restaurant. Afterwards, I had a traditional fortune cookie. I don’t remember the fortune, but it was something upbeat, along the lines of “your determination and character will win you many admirers and friends.” They also include “lucky” numbers. Oh my, what a racket. There is absolutely no personal responsibility at play here. Those numbers are passed out randomly, and not divined specifically for each individual person. The same thing with the fortunes: bland pap for mass consumption. Have you ever read a “fortune” cookie that told you that your Aunt Emma will die soon or that your husband is cheating on you? That’s because only a professional Certified Psychic™ can address your personal needs in assessing your personal fortune. If you think that your future is exactly the same as ten thousand other people, rely on astrological predictions in the newspaper or magazines. If you think that you are a unique individual with unique possibilities, contact me, Madame Zoltar®, to find out what is going to happen to you, and only you, in the days and years to come. I am at your disposal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, via the “magic” of the internet: Once you’ve tried the best, I will blot out all memory of the rest.
By the way, here is a website listed on one of the fortune cookies: As of today, it says that the domain expired ten days ago. Oh my.
This weekend is one of those jam-packed ones in the celebration that calls itself Racine. There’s too much to list, so I’m just going to post an edited screenshot I took from: If there isn’t something there to suit your tastes, hang around awhile. More celebrations are on the way.
Well, my dear, dear Irregulars, I know that many of you are interested in my relationship with Senor Zanza, and some of you have even expressed your concern for my well being, so I am going to divulge some secrets for your appraisal. I have been expecting Senor Zanza to ask me the big question one of these days. He did so on Saturday, but it wasn’t the question that I expected. Instead of a marriage proposal, he proposed that he move in with Junior and me. Oh my. The Senor states that he can save a lot of money if he moves in here. He also says that he would not be staying here every night, but would consider this his “base of operations.” Oh my, oh my.
I didn’t give him an answer yet. He is such an attractive man. But I fear he may be a wolf in wolf’s clothing. I guess you could say that I am conflicted. When that happens, it becomes difficult for me to discern my own fortune. Do you have any suggestions, my dears?
I love you all, each and every one of you, Irregulars and regulars alike. Thank you for reading my blog and thank you for not spitting on the sidewalk. Besides, on our new rubber ones, it bounces right back in your face.
Look both ways before crossing the street and don’t forget to brush after every meal. You can load up on goodies at the Greek Festival and work it off in the Lighthouse Run. Be all you can be. Be Irregular. Witzelsucht!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
"Did you hear a click? "
People unclear on the concept of a webcam. Perhaps webbing is preventing the camera from taking a picture.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Strange House in Cudahy!
I seen this house on the way to Milwaukee Friday. I just couldn't help but get a picture of this. I know some people would say this looks trashy but I think this it is really neat for someone to do with an old car. The strange things you can see when you are going for a car ride.
Christian thuggery
It's always bugged me that because I don't have religion, those that do feel there is nothing holding me back from going ape shit crazy and becoming a murderous thieving low life. I've explained before how millions follow the Golden Rule and there are actually far more rapists, murderers, thieves and low lifes that believe than unbelievers. Time and again this is proven out. It is with great consternation that I read the foll0wing news report that because of the law abiding attitude, and let sleeping dogs lie tolerance, Atheism's Free Speech is being infringed upon.
I hope there is no need for furthering this lawsuit, but also hope it is taken all the way if need be. Imagine, Atheists are more law abiding than religious, and because of this Atheists are singled out to pay for insurance in case Christians cause vandalism to the buses sporting Atheism's advertisement. No insurance is required for messages from Christian organizations. A true double standard, and one that shows (at least in my eyes) that Atheism fallows the Golden Rule a LOT closer than Christians.
I hope there is no need for furthering this lawsuit, but also hope it is taken all the way if need be. Imagine, Atheists are more law abiding than religious, and because of this Atheists are singled out to pay for insurance in case Christians cause vandalism to the buses sporting Atheism's advertisement. No insurance is required for messages from Christian organizations. A true double standard, and one that shows (at least in my eyes) that Atheism fallows the Golden Rule a LOT closer than Christians.
"I Lie Here in a Strange Girl's Apartment"
For Marcia
I lie here in a strange girl's apartment.
She has poison oak, a bad sunburn
and is unhappy.
She moves about the place
like distant gestures of solemn glass.
She opens and closes things.
She turns the water on,
and she turns the water off.
All the sounds she makes are faraway.
They could be in a different city.
It is dusk and people are staring
out the windows of that city.
Their eyes are filled with the sounds
of what she is doing.
--Richard Brautigan
"Richard Gary Brautigan (January 30, 1935 – ca. September 14, 1984) was a 20th century American novelist, poet, and short story writer. His work often employs black comedy, parody, and satire. He is best known for his 1967 novel Trout Fishing in America."
I lie here in a strange girl's apartment.
She has poison oak, a bad sunburn
and is unhappy.
She moves about the place
like distant gestures of solemn glass.
She opens and closes things.
She turns the water on,
and she turns the water off.
All the sounds she makes are faraway.
They could be in a different city.
It is dusk and people are staring
out the windows of that city.
Their eyes are filled with the sounds
of what she is doing.
--Richard Brautigan
"Richard Gary Brautigan (January 30, 1935 – ca. September 14, 1984) was a 20th century American novelist, poet, and short story writer. His work often employs black comedy, parody, and satire. He is best known for his 1967 novel Trout Fishing in America."
Sunday, June 12, 2011
"Everything Great About Youtube - The MORT Eclectic"
i luv teh interwebs 2
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