Hello, my scampering squirrels! How are you? Are you enjoying the color still available in the area? We’ve had a fairly warm fall so far and the show seems to be going on a little longer than usual. I love the reds, yellows, browns, and greens backlit by the sun low in the sky. I’ve more or less stopped taking pictures of the foliage, though. I have so many photos from past years that I never look at. It’s a gorgeous repeat performance every year.
After a restful bye week, our marvelous, magnificent, and mind-blowing Green Bay Packers are destined to defeat the San Diego Chargers at Qualcomm Stadium, this Sunday, Nov. 6th, at 3:15 PM. Hail, hail Packers! Enjoy the weather while you drain the Charges of their power. Not even the Energizer Bunny will be able to get them back up after the Packers are through.
I received two messages this week, my dears. The first is from our own Sheriff:
Dear Madame Zoltar:
Although the spam filters work well, we still receive an occasional unsolicited email at the JTI. The one below is a request for a link exchange. Considering the source, http://www.mypsychicadvice.com/ I thought it best to refer this one to you, dearest Madame. We haven't done link exchanges in the past, but if you advise us otherwise on this one, then perhaps we will consider it.
Thank you for your time and effort.
The Sheriff
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 6:05 AM
Subject: Link Exchange Inquiry to Relevant Site
To: jtirregulars@jtirregulars.com
I was browsing the web when i saw your site jtirregulars.com, and when i look at it, the relevancy is the same to my site, would you mind if I offer you to have a link exchange (reciprocal link exchange) with my site, here is our site http://www.mypsychicadvice.com/
Here is our site info
Title : Psychics
URL : http://www.mypsychicadvice.com/
Description : Enjoy a complete site encompassing Online Live Free Psychics.
Get link from http://www.mypsychicadvice.com/LinkPartnersList.aspx
If your interested make this link live and you can email us back with your site details, looking forward to grant my request. You can put link it anywhere close to homepage.
Dear Sheriff, my psychic advice to you is to avoid mypsychicadvice.com like the plague it is. They are unscrupulous charlatans preying on the weak on the web. It disgusts me. Always check for the PPPA (Professional Psychics Pseal of Approval) somewhere on the site, literature, or on display in the room of any psychic. It is there to protect you.
The second message came from our beloved Ms. kk:
Dearest Madame. I recently found this advertisement.(attached)
I really don't know what to say.... I never recall you pulling at your clothes like that during any sessions we've had together.

Dear Ms. kk, Thank you so much for contacting me in regard to this practice. Again, I can almost assure you that this “psychic” is not certified by the PPPA. Her lurid tearing and rending of her clothing is to assure the rapt attention of her audience while her partners in crime pick their pockets and purses. One of the oldest tricks in the book. How shameful! I detest faux “psychics” that give us a bad name.
Thank you all for reading my blog this week. It is an honor to be visited by you. You make me what I am. I love all Irregulars and regulars. I am here to help you and guide you on your journey. Never hesitate to contact me if you have a problem.
You can reach me here: madamezoltar@jtirregulars.com. In an emergency, meditate upon me and chant my name three times. I will appear. Or I overshot my mark again and I’m in your neighbor’s wall. Oh my.
Have a safe and sane week my wonderful friends. The Christmas onslaught has already started. Try not to let it spoil your holidays. However, if I ever have to endure Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer again, I will not be responsible for the consequences. Cosmogenic!