I remember from high school a teacher talking about how the changes in technology and communications could affect our future. She said that someday we might even be able to telephone in our votes on important issues, thus giving the USA a true democracy. I remember thinking that was a good idea at the time.
As you remember from your History or Civics class (do they even teach that anymore?), the United States of America is a republic, wherein the citizens elect representatives, from the local level on up, to represent them and their interests. That is a representative democracy, or democratic republic.
Telephones are everywhere now. I suspect that within a generation, over 95% of people in the USA will be connected via the internet or ways we haven't imagined yet. The day is rapidly approaching, if it isn't already here, when almost everyone could vote from the comfort of their own homes. Perhaps for the others, permanent polling places could be set up.
If everyone of voting age could participate in the decision and policy making processes of the government, on any and/or all levels, would we want it?
If that happened, I think that all of the lobbyist money that is now spent on trying to affect our representatives' votes would instead be directed toward whatever sectors of the public vote the most. Massive advertising campaigns would probably be launched both for and against whatever legislation is the most contentious. Would that be better than what we have now?
I believe that even if it were relatively easy for almost everybody to vote, not everyone would vote. I wouldn't be surprised if the level of voter participation stayed below 50%. Of course, those that did vote would be targeted by the ad campaigns.
Personally, I don't think I would want the government run by public opinion. One of my favorite quotes comes from the movie, Men In Black:
"Edwards: Why the big secret? People are smart. They can handle it.
"Kay: A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."
I like the way our government is constituted. The biggest problem with it today, in my opinion, is that it is run mostly by career politicians instead of the rotating "citizen statesmen" that our founding fathers envisioned. I'm not aware of how many "citizen statesmen" are willing to serve. With the viciousness of today's political campaign process, who wants to go through that? Not me (as if I had a chance).
So, what do yo think? True democracy where all voters can vote on all issues, or representative democracy, like we've had for over 200 years?
Discovery World renovating Caribbean aquarium
13 hours ago
Seeing people take to the streets nationwide, I think it is a given that we want more direct input; however, I don't think we want to be bothered with most of the daily trivial decisions that must be made.
There has to be someone, somewhere, who is willing to serve the best needs of the people as a whole without bias in race, gender, religion, or only there to serve their personal material or ego needs.
How odd! My son and I had this conversation yesterday. He asked ..Is the US a democracy..I said yes. He said No it's a constitutional republic. I had never thought about it. Why do things have to change? Yes that was the 'old' days but it worked. No twinkies, no republic...what next?
Go to City Haul Meetings, Boards and Commissions. Use your local government website - there are agendas, minutes, notices, budgets and ordinances available.
Residents now have a powerful tool available called Smart Growth. Check it out at 1,000 Friends of Wisconsin, and the DNR website. You can be an army of one.
Voting is the lowest level of participation - raise your level of participation.
Orb's, Actually for years I have been saying we should be voting by a Nintendo type device. Everyone of voting age would be eligible with a fingerprint ID. You are correct though, when you question how people would/could change things not being able to think It through. (something I never really considered) I do however believe we are being taken to the cleaners by our professional politicians, and UNLESS something Is done to stop MONEY from being what makes laws, etc. the future generations are In DEEP shit.
Anonymous, If your ideas worked, going to City Hall, etc. GOOD change would happen. Nearly everybody (In Charge) has their own agenda, and unless thousands upon thousands of people stand up, and protest. Nothing will happen. The very old saying "You can't fight City Hall" really Is true.
Well... I tried to go to 1,000 friends of Wisconsin and my Avast came up with an angry red popup, claiming to have blocked a trojan horse. Not good....
They sure aren't going to get me to be 1,001 that way!
kk, this came up clean for me: http://www.1kfriends.org/
City Haul meetings are hours of boredom. You get your three minutes to talk and Dickert rolls his eyes and yawns. It is purposely set up to discourage citizen involvement.
I sent an email to the mayor asking legitimate questions about why BrewFest was shut down. That email account has been spammed regularly since.
Fighting these pigs on their turf is suicidal. The only way to combat them is with the truth: pictures, videos, and voice recordings. Otherwise, they just lie and lie and lie. When confronted with the truth, they run and hide. I always have a camera and a voice recorder with me. Proof of criminal activity by the city then has to be submitted to an authority outside the city if we are ever to get a handle on the thieves. I don't deal with those assholes anymore - all lies, and a police force to back them up. I talk to people in Milwaukee and Madison instead.
I clicked your link, orbs and another red popup from Avast.... malicious something or another blocked. Nice.
Same here kk...
I didn't go there to speak, I went there to watch and listen. And I went to some of the more "boring" meetings, and found by listening I could learn lots. Planning, Zoning, Public Works, Sewer/Water - they are talking about a lot of that stuff you might only later get to read about through the bias of the JT - if at all. Why argue over a JT article, if the JT even publishes one, that is light on facts, filled with errors, or slanted.
The 1000K link works for me. Here is the DNR link: http://dnr.wi.gov/org/es/science/landuse/smart/index.htm
The index link you provided said it no longer existed on the server? I did find this page...it doesn't make my anti-virus go wild, either.
Smart Growth Principles
*Mix Land Uses
*Take Advantage of Compact Building Design
*Create a Range of Housing Opportunities and Choices
*Create Walkable Neighborhoods
*Foster Distinctive, Attractive Communities with a Strong Sense of Place
*Preserve Open Space, Farmland, Natural Beauty, and Critical Environmental Areas
*Strengthen and Direct Development toward Existing Communities
*Provide a Variety of Transportation Choices
*Make Development Decisions Predictable, Fair, and Cost Effective
*Encourage Community and Stakeholder Collaboration in Development Decisions
It all sounds great, except our current Governor has refused federal grant money to improve transportation options (Kenosha-Milwaukee-Madison-Minneapolis) rail, reduced funding to our city so that city bus service is going to be cut, reduced other city services, such as garbage pick up and number of streetlights (making our city darker and more dangerous), demonstrated totally unpredictable decision making skills with wild law passing Senate sessions and has torn apart any community collaboration while fostering a hate amongst the people in their communities.
I agree, we all could and should do more. However, I think I'd have a stroke if I heard all the BS that goes on in those meetings. I can barely handle the "lite" version that the JT prints.
I'm running Norton Antivirus and have no problem with those links.
enicar333, you're a better man than me. I'm sure that you can learn a lot from those meetings. And if one truly wanted to fight the current city (or village) administration, that would be the place to start. Know your enemy.
I lack the commitment. I've felt compelled to action a number of times, but I'm not sure that I want to get involved in fighting battles that 80% of the city doesn't care about. Most people don't give a shit and that is a large advantage to those in power.
I also know that if I were to commit to fighting City Haul, it would take over my life. That's just the way it is. I have issues. Do I want that obsession running my life? They play dirty, and the only way that I know to counter that is to get dirtier. I've lived life like that. I'm too old (and sober) for that shit now.
Orb's, I just plain LOVE your honesty. I have the SAME problem. I would really like to pursue things further, but I have issues" I can't seem to control my ability to be-little these idiots. They don't take to that very well, and I end up being threatened with being hauled out. I just sit here holding my chest, wondering If It's muscle pain or Angina? We have about 3600 people In this city (not counting the sexual predators at the treatment center about 600) and the entire city council, and support staff are going to get I-Pads to streamline their ability to do their jobs. We can't build another grocery store In town, because the County wants an entire city block In return for a tiny portion of land the store would be placed. It's an impasse, and nobody knows about It. I could go on, but I need one hand to hold my chest.
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