Hale-Bopp finally passed away on Monday night (with the help of the vet) at my place. Many of you at the gathering last summer knew she had cancer and the vet said most cats with this form of cancer pass within 30-60 days, so she definitely beat the odds for a while. But she finally quit eating, was losing weight and getting weak. It was the right time.
I got her in the fall of 1996. Found her at the end of a cross country practice. A student suggested the name Hale-Bopp since I had been using this new fangled thing called the "internet" and showing them pictures of this incoming comet since the beginning of the 95-96 school year.
A few days after taking her home, I got the chicken pox. This little (still unnamed at the time) furball wouldn't leave me alone, fearful that I would die on her and she would be homeless again. Staying home from work for a week was kind of fortunate in the long run, provided great bonding time.
Bopp was my first cat and different than pets we had growing up. We had dogs. We got one when I was about five and it died only a few weeks after we got it. I barely remember it. Second one we got shortly thereafter and it only lived about three years. I was the one who found it dead in the morning (heart defect the autopsy said). I remember that, but I was still young. Third dog lived until I graduated college and moved out before she passed.
But when you look at it a certain way, Bopp was my first pet. When you are a kid, your parents really dictate the pet situation. They choose the pets, care for them (even if they make some of the pet care your chores) take them to the vet and ultimately decide end of life issues. When you are finally on your own, then you get the full responsibility for the health and well being of an animal, including doing the right thing at the end.
The vet came over Monday night around 7pm (yes, my vet makes housecalls in the evening if needed). Bopp didn't even fight when they shaved her leg for the IV, a sure sign it was the right time. As sad as it was, I still laughed a little at how loopy she got from the first sedative. There can be humor even at that time. She passed sitting in my lap.
My vet is a good guy. Vets deal with grieving pet owners on a regular basis. He did start getting a little spiritual, but not in a pushy/evangelizing way. I gently told him that was not necessary, I was an atheist and would take comfort in this being a natural part of life (although maybe not right now). He did the right thing and let me grieve my own way.
Bopp is being cremated and I will take her ashes to Florida and scatter her ashes after a run where I found her.
Good bye, Bopp. You will always be lovingly remembered.
Oh, hale, I am so sorry. Pets who are loved become our confident, our family, our children. Having to make those choices is the hardest thing. Hale Bopp was so lucky to have someone who loved her enough to make the most important choice.
I'm sorry for your loss Hale. When we come home at night it is nice to have a furry companion waiting. Like KK said, he was lucky to have you.
Sorry, to hear about your loss Hale. I truly know the feeling... I bawled like a baby after I read this. It took me back a year ago when I had almost lost Harley. The decision that I almost made... I thank the stars that she is still among us.
Sorry, hale, for your loss. She lived a long life for a cat and you provided everything she needed for life and love. Rest in peace, Hale-Bopp.
I'm crying, too. I've had to put down a couple of cats. I really can't take it. I decided awhile back that Charlie is my last pet. My ability to deal with this sort of thing seems to diminish with age.
Hale, I alway's dread the thought of a pet dying. It breaks my heart, sometimes more that the human instance. (perhaps not a good thing)? I love my animals, and am not too far from losing my black lab. I guess I am sort of prepared, but I know the moment will be awful. Pets are our friends. They rarely ask for much but provide so much without want. I am sad for you, and hope you know she is at peace.
Hale-bopp, losing a pet
(family member) is heartbreaking.
We all extend our condolences for your loss. Most of us are animals lovers, so we understand the gift we are given while our buddies are with us and the share the pain of your loss.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Im glad you were able to be with him at the end.
Sorry for your loss, Hale. Surprising what a void it leaves in your life. You'll find you still walk carefully so as to not step on him months after.
Thanks all. I knew you would understand (or at least not mock me too much!)
Sorry to hear that........
Sorry for your loss Hale.
I remember finding my sisters cat one morning breathing real funny. She called our mom and told her. They took her to the vet and came home without the cat. I felt so bad.
Then when we almost lost Harley last year. I wasn't working and trying to get her to eat and drink. Then one day she just got up and jump up on the couch when Drew was at work. It shocked me.
I know what you are going through. We are always here for you!♥
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