"Please join us and demand that the RUSD School Board and
RUSD Superintendent Ann Laing put children and education FIRST! NOT union
public employee’s paychecks and bank accounts. Union public employee’s are
reminded that in this time of recession 'SHARED SACRIFICE' is a mandate and that
looting the taxpayers is WRONG!"
I'd like to state that I support the troops in the trenches; i.e., the teachers and assistants and others who have daily contact with our students and try to educate them. I believe that teachers take the blame for many of the parenting problems in our society.
Edit: 4/9/2012, 10:00 PM. Here are a couple of pictures from the rally.
More, from RacineUncovered.org:
I'd like to state that I support the troops in the trenches; i.e., the teachers and assistants and others who have daily contact with our students and try to educate them. I believe that teachers take the blame for many of the parenting problems in our society.
Edit: 4/9/2012, 10:00 PM. Here are a couple of pictures from the rally.

More, from RacineUncovered.org:
"Racine Wolfman picketing Unifed’s offices with Video!"
Where were these people before the voting took place? I'd say they had their chance to speak their minds. It was a legal election, no one voted twice, the candidates didn't misrepresent their intentions.
Does everyone forget the starting wage of teachers? It is pretty abysmal for someone with a 5 year degree. When the "reports" on wages comes out, they include benefits and overload classes that teachers elect to teach, along with after school activities they elect to supervise. Makes for quite a different total. I think you'd be surprised if you saw your income with employer added benefits included.
Granted, Unified management is and has been run very inefficiently for many years. There are many things that need cleaning up. Bashing teachers or putting more restraints on them isn't where the focus should be.
Most teachers give and give some more. The kids nowadays are not the kids from when we all went to school. The legal system has tied everyones hands as far as discipline goes, and the kids use that greatly to their advantage.
I VOTED! I spoke my mind! I voted Dey, Phost and Brownell! My candidates did not win! I want a re-call! It's safe, legal and the Wisconsin Way!
Wages of Teachers in Racine:
LOW: $38,903
AVG: $55,405
HI: $89,947
AVG. Fringe (NOT Taxed) $28,533.
Source of wages and benefits: PROPERTY TAX.
IF you think that wages for Teachers are abysmal - when you KNOW it is derived from Property Taxes - WHY DID YOU CHOSE TO TEACH? IF the people of a City have very little for jobs or work -HOW CAN THEY PAY YOU? IF you tax everyone out of their home - YOU HAVE NO JOB EITHER.
A more HONEST answer is that Public Education is overregulated, and overrated. The bureaucracy has grown burdensome, inefficient, and detrimental. It is BROKEN, and needs to be abolished.
RUSD needs to be ABOLISHED, parents charged with the responsibility of educating their children, and schools be local with local control.
The State has proven itself to be a poor steward of children and their education - it is time to remove the State from educating children.
PRIVATE: 5wkdys/wk*52wks = 260 days/year.
40hrs/wk*52wks/yr = 2,080 days/year.
SCHOOL YEAR = 180 days.
NOW - I was self-employed twice, as a sole propreitor - and my work days were 365 - 7 -24. Mon-Fri was work, Sat morn for work, Sat afternoon and Sun for FREE ESTIMATES.
NOW - I also worked a Dairy Farm once- The Farmer milked at Noon and Midnight. I worked 2 shifts a day, slept twice a day, and adjusted my schedule to meet the needs of the Cows, or anything special that needed to be done. Your LIFE is the Cows - they can't be put off - there is no weather too bad, no circumstance too compelling, no sick days, etc. You don't know WORK until you know Farm Work. No overtime either.
The same thing with certain businesses - those who whine about work hours in the public sector - HAVE NO IDEA about the work reality of many of those who support them.
All salary/benefit information taken from the OFFICIAL data provided by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction - 2011 data.
First of all, I am not a teacher. The use of "you" is not applicable.
Starting wages are ~ 28-30,000. Again, your totals include additional duty worked beyond the normal work day. Racine also has more "experienced" teachers, therefore, the average will show as higher. "Average" is an unfair example.
Unified spends less per pupil from taxpayers dollars than most other cities in Wisconsin, that is why we were hurt more with the new legislation this year. Unified also has far more special education students who require more services as per state regulations than most other districts. Our children in SE Wisconsin are poorer, and yes, needier, as defined by the state.
Many people agreed to go into education for altruistic reasons. They also knew that the benefits helped to make up the difference. If you remember, teachers choose to take their 3% yearly raise, per the state imposed QEO, in benefits, not money. With a signature of the pen this past year... their raises, as in those benefits, have been revoked. Basically, all negotiated raises they deferred in the past were taken away.
I agree that "The bureaucracy has grown burdensome, inefficient, and detrimental. It is BROKEN." However, if you turn your back on our youth who are not privileged, you will need to build far more prisons and juvenile institutions. By eliminating or privatizing public education, our end result will cost much, much more... and not only monetarily.
The management of funds from the tax pool has been criminal. Administration has not taken their share of the burden. Cuts to staff are having a negative impact on the schools. Less adult to student ratio. We are at the point where someone is going to be seriously hurt.
And yes, "the state is a poor steward." More responsibility of raising children has been placed in the hands of the public education system. What is the fix? I don't know the answer to that.
You may sit back and say, "I've got mine, the hell with you." In reality, it is a selfish viewpoint and it doesn't make the future very livable, or for that matter, sustainable.
Other Cities overspending DOES NOT justify RUSD overspending.
First you state that you aren't a Teacher - now you know all about it. It's a DEFLATIONARY period for wages and benefits - do you understand DEFLATION? OBVIOUSLY NOT.
WRONG. Your opinion is not fact, nor does it reflect reality or actual experience.
WRONG. You can't solve the problem when you're part of it.
Place it back in the hands of the Parents -
Why are you trying to put words into my mouth? DO YOU KNOW MY FINANCIAL SITUATION? You have a problem - and it's mental.
Speaking rudely does not make you right nor does it crown you the winner. We do not bully this way toward one another on this site. Go back to the JT with your comments if this is how you choose to comment. We may not always agree, but we never result to personal attacks. Mental? Very nice. This discussion is over.
I was afraid that this would lead to a debate between kk and someone. I didn't want that to happen, but, of course, it did. I'm sorry, kk, for foisting it on you.
I posted the press release and pictures because I want people to know about activities in Racine that they might not otherwise be aware of.
The debates I enjoy but the name calling was going too far. Enicar was out of line.
We all currently have a taxed interest to educate the public school children whether we like it or not. Discussions are necessary to find solutions in our public school systems.
Too many parents have failed to teach their children the values of honesty, respect, integrity, education…….….the list goes on and on. Many teachers do not discipline these unencouragable students for fear of legal actions against them, or worse yet, fear of being beaten by the students. Many of the inmates (students) are running our asylums, and the adults are blaming each other for the failures of our public school children to be educated. Many children in public schools have learned to manipulate educated adults. WTF.
We have full time law enforcement at several of the schools because parents , administrators, legislators and teachers have all failed to agree on a course of ACTION to demand that the children act in accordance with rules and regulations of codes of conduct. For many children, it is not unusual to test the limits, engage in a few pranks, or to be a little naughty, which is quite normal behavior of kids, this is how they learn the limits and most importantly, learn the consequences for their actions. We have a broken public school system because the adults have failed to unite to demand a disciplined atmosphere with appropriate sanctions for the degree of misconduct. Without discipline there is chaos. This isn’t rocket science folks, as adults we must demand respect and adherence to rules of conduct, and when those rules are broken, there must be appropriate and swift and punishment administered. Societies cannot prosper without organization and structure, and neither can schools. The needs of the few do not outweigh the needs of the many. The public school system cannot continue to mainstream every child. No child left behind is a great goal, but in reality it doesn’t work.
A fundamental concept of taxes should be the citizens who use, benefit, or create the need for governmental services should bear the cost of those services.
As a parent, selfishness, ignorance, drugs, alcohol or self indulgence is no excuse for the failure to properly raise one's own child. True love and pride of the child bears no financial cost. HOWEVER, FOOD, CLOTHING, MEDICAL CARE, SCHOOLS, TOYS ect….…………ALL COST BIG BUCKS, Parenting also requires a considerable amount of a person's time for the child’s welfare, this is the parents primary duty, so parenting starts and finishes at home.
The public didn’t enjoy the moments of copulation to produce another public child, so don’t ask the public to bear the burden of loveful or lustful acts of producing and raising another’s child.
It may take a community to raise a socially well adjusted child, but parents should be held accountable and responsible with the raising of their own children.
This sad state of affairs in our public school systems and the taxes associated with public schools reminds me of a phrase I used 40 years ago:
Children, do you know where your parents are?
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