This is such a good idea. Instead of dealing with Racine's problems, just don't talk about them. Sheer genius.
I made a crack in another blog that we should have Positively Police to enforce the pledge to ignore reality. That's silly, but it wouldn't hurt to have a couple of people canvassing the city to report those who talk trash about our town. We should also encourage people to turn in their neighbors and friends if they say anything bad about Racine.
That's the way to deal with Racine's issues positively.
Body of man found in house after fire
11 hours ago
I hear that once you give in and say something negative, the possibility exists that you won't be able to stop. We need to nip this addictive activity in the bud for everyone's sake.
I hope there will be an anonymous hotline so we can turn in our friends and family.
I'm fairly positive I'm headed to North Dakota - where it's positively less taxing and I have a positive future for employment.
Those are things I am positively sure don't exist in Racine.
My writing skills have deteriorated dramatically since moving here learning a second language and spend all day talking to small children.. So excuse me if I have a hard time getting my point across.
I can see the good in this movement.. The one thing that bothers me so much is that people have lost all pride in Racine.. There is nothing positive being said anywhere.. Actually once and awhile you will meet someone that will say something good about Racine and it really brightens my day. I moved away many years ago now but Racine is still my home. When I come back to visit I feel home and it is always my intention to move back and put my roots down there. I do believe that we all need to gain some pride in the city again and when you only hear negative all day long why should be bother to try to fix the place?
I am in no way saying that this will fix the problems with Racine. Obviously some very serious things need to happen, the corruption within the city government needs to be dealt with, the school system needs the support of the community, the crime needs to be faced and dealt with and Racine is in desperate need of jobs.. so yes there are some real problems that speaking positively about our city is not going to fix, but without the pride of our city in our everyday citizen and positive outlook who is going to go in and try to fix the problems?
I think teaching Racine history in school would be a great thing to teach the younger generation how strong and powerful Racine once was and has the ability to be once again if someone just would stand up and fight for it.. Right now we are raised with everyone around us badmouthing Racine (at least if you listen to online chatter) and anyone that may be a positive influence wants nothing to do with the city and move far away and come online and say how glad they are that they moved away from that rat hole.
I do not need a bracelet or to sign a pledge (I get this is what you are making fun of) I try to speak positively and opptimistically about Racine any chance I get. I will aknowledge that there are some serious issues and Racine is not feeling good.. I seriously spend a lot of time thinking about how I could change Racine for the positive all the time. We need community, we need all citizens working to improve our city (through becoming active in our city government, building up our neighborhoods and creating communities, saying hi to our neighbors and looking our for one another).. So I see no issue with this movement with positively Racine, I think it's good to remember the power of positive thinking and in this case speaking. If some people need to take a pledge or wear a bracelet then so be it..
I hope my ramblings have made sense, I just see no reason why this should be so upsetting.. it's one aspect of the whole of the problems we face in Racine..
I can think of another town that could use these bracelets, In any number of business places also.
Why not: I think you made your point beautifully. Thank you for sharing.
I think what concerns people here is that this "bracelet plan" IS the current plan to make things better and does nothing for the underlying problems. It is a band-aid to a serious problem, much like saying to a dysfunctional family or a person in an abusive situation, "smile, think good thoughts and all will be well."
I believe we all love our city. People are only negative because they feel their leaders are not being honest in their attempts to make things better. We are feeling helpless against lies and corruption occurring in high places.
According to Positively Racine, this did not happen: We are supposed to ignore this and talk "positively" about Racine. The Mayor doesn't want burglar bars because it gives the "wrong impression." People are literally dying out here (pushed out of a second story window - my God), and Dickert says, "Ignore it. It will go away."
I'm tired of dealing with all the shit human beings this "ignore" policy promotes. Dickert and company ride on our backs, looting the city, while we have to fight just to survive in this hellhole. This is what the Nazis did. Sign loyalty oaths. It smacks of McCarthyism, too. I'm not making fun of this. This is deadly serious. This is what kills. This is what allows pedos to operate at the highest levels of Racine. This is what allows a liar to lie and lie and lie and lie. I'll be positive about Racine when Dickert stops lying and gets to work on the problems the people of Racine face everyday. $400,000 toilets for City Hall while lights are turned off on our streets. Pig. Liar. Killer.
Just read the list of nocturnal festivities which occurred last evening. Totally disgusting. We cant thank our officers enough for their sacrifices and their service.
Why Not, I suspect that your distance makes you more objective. Racine is where you grew up and now when you come back to visit, you see it with "fresh" eyes. I think because I live in it and where I do, I'm much more cynical.
Racine is OK. But if I was starting a family, I would not locate in Racine unless I was rich enough to avoid the riffraff entirely and send my children to the best private schools.
I will admit that moving to Racine is not in the cards for some time yet and seeing the crime issues does not make me want to come running with my two treasures..we have it good here, but being away from our support system (friends and family there) is not fun... I do want to move back to be a positive influence on Racine show that I care and will fight for it.. Maybe I'm too naieve and wide eyed to believe I can make a difference. Things do have to change somewhat so that I feel comfortable with bringing my children there though.. That is my first duty..
Positive Racine, after Dickert recall.
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