"Dear Reader,
"Beginning Monday, June 11, The Journal Times will begin metered subscription services for our website, journaltimes.com."
Truth for free at Racine Uncovererd , or pay for lies at the Journal Times.
Infotainment - Racine, Wisconsin, USA
Try annonymous browsing. That gets around some of the less sophisticated monitoring systems.
Racine Uncovered's site has really improved. I visited a couple of days ago and was very impressed.
I suppose you could dump your cookies and change your IP regularly to get around the Journal Times new policy, but it would be more trouble than it's worth.
JSOnline did the same thing a short while ago except they allow 15.
The John Dickert Times is so desperate for cash they are charging existing newspaper subscribers an additonal $2 per month to use the online edition.
Racine Uncovered will tell you what is really happening in town for free!
I'm playing this by ear. I understand the need to generate income online in order to supply content, but the content is not that good: poorly written articles and a deep bias. Two-bits a day is a lot cheaper then their print edition, but that is hardly a bargain at a buck a day, two bucks for the Sunday edition.
If I do decide to pay, obviously I'll have to tone down my usual rhetoric in comments. If you're banned after this starts, I assume that you are permabanned.
I wonder if they'd let me register OrbsCorbs?
I get everything I need to know from all of you guys and gals. Who needs the JT.
Well, that's gonna get old real fast. I don't think their online content is worth paying for.
I don't care about school sports or prom pictures. Other news they have is AP, I can get that for free anywhere.
Even the obits are considered in the 10 articles?
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