How long is the City of Racine going to put up with this guy?
He is suppose to be an Alderman, you would think they should be responsible people.
He doesn’t show up for court, now his attorney doesn’t show, these two guys have more excuses then Carter has Little Liver Pills.
His liquor license hearing has been postponed for the third time and now Thursday prosecutors filed a felony bail jumping charge against him for missing a court date Monday morning.
If convicted of a felony he has to be tossed out as alderman; anyone who is convicted of a felony loses their voting rights and to me he then cannot vote whether it is for the city or his personal vote.
See the JT story here; If convicted
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
This is some of the best entertainment put on by the city of Racine.
Author! Author!
Along with a 3-foot high fire, this is the kind of stuff that burns my ass. Makes me wonder who the stupid one is. We (I) work at being a good citizen of Racine and all we end up doing is paying absurd taxes...thanks Unified.
Then you take a schmuck like Fair who apparently don’t give a damn about people, treats the “system” like crap and is still a alderman and not in jail!
Maybe I should hire a pregnant woman, slap the hell out of her then run for mayor!
Racine generates a phenomenal amount of political skullduggery for a city its size.
Next week on "The Edge of Racine:"
John and Tom talk about what to do about Gary, who gets out of prison in less than a year.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson makes a Racine appearance on behalf of Alderman Keith Fair.
The first annual Hoveround® Personal Mobility Device Grand Prix is held during Friday evening rush hour on Highway 31 between Hwy. 20 and Hwy. 11.
Keith Fair is a great part of Racine! Seeing him in action - at City Haul is a treat! That's when you begin to understand - alcohol and drug abuse have consequences on thinking abilities!
It's not just his inability to comprehend, it's the way he expresses it! He's not stupid by any means - just ... well... CONFUSED! It's beyond amusing - it's BEWILDERING!
Make sure you get to see him in action - before he goes away to Prison.
Truly - I don't know how they can try and hold him accountable for a crime - he may actually be incompetent to understand!
He needs to take a lesson from Dickert - and shovel taxpayer $$$ to TPTB in Racine so this his crimes get overlooked or hidden.
He needs to take a clue from Tim Zarzecki, our Mt. Pleasant police Chief and go with the Crazy B#@%$ Off her meds defense! It justifies everything, covers your tracks, and gets the records sealed from the eyes of the public - SPECIAL PEOPLE - SPECIAL PRIVILEGE!
We're just trying to reclaim that old nickname we once had with all the strip joints: Little Sin City
"John and Tom talk about what to do about Gary, who gets out of prison in less than a year."
Maybe they could hold a special Miss Teen Racine Beauty Pageant - it's been quite a while since Gary had the chance to gaze/stare/long after/lust after/.... well, just see, some fresh young teen!
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