Hello everyone! Another week of Four for Fridays is here! Are you glad! It has been a long and interesting week so far. Looking forward to the weekend! Here are some questions for you....
1) What does Labor Day mean to you?
2) Do you write yourself reminder notes?
3) What kind of home remedies do you know or use?
4) What is your favorite high school memory?
Enjoy your weekend!
Korean dining spot opening soon in Hales Corners
2 hours ago
OK I'll take first crack at this. Yes Drew, we are very grateful for you asking the tough questions.
1. It means it is the last day I can wear white.
2. I am a regular irregular Ray Raynor. Everyone remember him?
3. I keep telling you guys I make really awesome home made Baileys. No one asks for the recipe. It could be my first post. Stay tuned.
4. It had to be Vida Talandis. Really, I had too many memories from those days to pick out one. I went to a large HS in Chicago. We had 1,200 kids in my graduating class. We had every type of kid possible...jocks, nerds and burnouts. Hmmm which group was I in?
1) Labor Day mean to you?
Just another day.
2) reminder notes?
Full time
3) home remedies
Beer, Tequila, vodka
4) high school memory?
I have to check the Statue of Limintions before I can answer this one.
1. A nice day off celebrating the holy crap, 50 years of working. Now I'm depressed.
2. I need to do it more. Jed - I remember Ray.
3. Lately, apple cider vinegar in a little jar with a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent to get rid of the fruit flies - works really well.
4. High School. Hmm. There was one day when we were sitting across the St at lunch and some of my friends might have been enjoying a little "smoke" when all of a sudden I looked behind me and what did I see? Earl the motorcycle cop had snuck in the backway from the golf course. I don't know why I remember that. Maybe it should be filed under the things that happened in high school that made you go "oh shit". BTW, I would like to point out I wasn't doing anything. :}
1.Not much significance in labor day.
2.C'mon jed, Ray Raynor is famous in the Chicago area,long before tv syndication and cable, anyway, Ray, with his friends Clutch Cargo,Paddlefoot, Gigantor,ect, would entertain the kids. Did you know that Ray served in WWII, was shot down, POW. ect. Worth googling to learn.
3. none worth mentioning
4. All involved blondes, brunettes and redheads. Which Chicago area school did you go to jed?
1. It's a celebration of the Union Labor movement, and all they Union workers accomplished over the years. Nearly everything you see, the buildings, bridges, roads, etc. were built by Union workers. Over the years It has become a celebration for ALL workers.
2. No. I forget to pick things up often. Short term memory stinks, but don't test my long term.
3. Drinking "Rock and Rye" for a cold. I also make Chicken soup for my family, If the cold season has struck.
4. I really don't have any. I was pretty quiet In High School. Kind of a loner.
1. A day to thank the every day working Joe for doing what they do.. Now I'm one of you I expect present!!
2. When I remember
3. dont really know.. seem to come up with things when you need it..
4. graduation
1) Just another work day for me and also when kids go back to school YEAH!
2) Yes or if Drew or the kids are with me shopping I forget what I need at the store!
3) Hot tea and honey for sore throat!
4) Graduating!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Jed and legal stranger what Chicago area schools did you both go too?
I grew up in Chicago and a Southwest suburb of Chicago!
I went 1 year at Marian Catholic in Chi Hts and last 3 at Homewood Flossmoor.
1) Labor day is a tribute to working people.
2) Yes, and then I forget to read the notes or where I put them. I'm great for going shopping and leaving the list at home.
I was a huge Ray Raynor fan.
3) My mom has a lot from the old country, but I don't.
4) State basketball tournament in Milwaukee my senior year. It was one big party.
1. To me? It is a solidarity day: a day to honor workers, to celebrate unity, job equality, fair workplace practices, fair pay schedules, and safe working conditions.
2. I used to be able to wing it, and do it well. Lost my memory with this decade of birthdays. Without notes, I'd be lost.
3. Many
4. I'm still making them? lol
I never missed Ray's show. I remember the notes all over his overalls. Loved the cartoons.
Jed, all this talk about Bailey's, but when will you offer a sample? I have a recipe for Bailey's that uses heavy cream and whipped egg whites... . I can't get myself to make it because it is super bad for you, but, oh my, delicious. I usually just stick with my homemade Kahlua.
OMG - 50 years of working would make me...... and I'm not anywhere near that. Try 40.
Mary, It just seems like It. It will be 45 years out of High School. That really makes me laugh. I only wish I could see some of those people for back then.
I have never been to a reunion, other than my wife's 10 year from Horlick. BAH.
Well KK, tis the season is coming closer, that's when Bailey's is a hit, so you'll never know. I don't use heavy cream or eggs in mine at all, just sweet condensed milk, chocolate syrup, instant coffee, half & half, vanilla and almond extract and finally lots of whiskey. Have a great Holiday all.
Ok Tender Heart Bear, Ray Raynor was an icon in Chicago during the 60's in tv land. Should do a Ray Raynor tribute on jt irregulars. That would bring in some new followers.
Highland Park.
Jed... Your school was like the field of dreams, in the middle of nowhere back then. Did you fish at big pond?
Legal stranger- I grew up watching the Ray Raynor show too. I do remember him.
1. it used to mean a day off work, but being married to a union guy, it takes on all new meaning and significance from the old days when labor unions helped working conditions and saved lives. I know, some will smack talk unions, but my husbands union is a good one. He works in a fairly dangerous field, and without the safeguards that the union keeps in place, he's stayed safe for all these years and comes home in one piece :)
2. heck ya, my desk is covered in them, tomorrow has a very ambitious hit list of to-do's
3. sugar to cure hiccups is top of the list, sprite type soda for queasy stomachs, apples and/or cheese for heartburn, I know there are more
4. starting every morning with a friend with true stories that start with "my mom is SO weird...", they never let us down!
Who the heck is Ray Raynor?
1) A three day weekend...
2) No, I forget to write them.
3) None, really, except maybe beer.
4) Probably partying too much with the other burnouts in the back of the school.
Mary, I was doing the math, but I figured that you started working very young.
Ok, I get it now! Ray Raynor was Bozo the Clown's ringmaster... DUH!
Jed, I went to the Italian college. ‘Wazzz-a-matta-U”
When I listed “just another day” for the Labor Day question; just another day isn’t true...I lied.
When I was young I always thought it was a day to thank the working men and women of America...kinda union driven.
I do remember and I do believe it was all the unions in Racine got together and all the kids got free ice cream. I can’t remember where they passed it out at...CRS I guess. But I always did look forward to it.
Ray Raynor Rocked!!!
Thanks Orbs.
I believe it was Mr. Ned that was the ringmaster for Bozo, Drew. Ray Raynor had his own show. Man, are we old. (well, not as old as Mary, hehehe) Just kidding, Mary! ;>
kk- Ray Rayner was Cooky the cook on the Bozo show. I just looked it up.
I grew up watching the guy on TV. He was a lot of different characters over the years, but I liked him best as himself. He was always interacting with the camera crew. I saw his last year on WGN when my ex-wife and I moved to Chicago.
Thanks Orbs for getting off the hook with jeff hayes...I don't need anymore work to do.
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