The print edition of today's Jouranl Times had this picture on the front page:
Damn, that sure looks a lot like this:
from your blog:
No class, they have none whatsoever.
Korean dining spot opening soon in Hales Corners
2 hours ago
Time to call the attorneys....what’s their name, ‘Due We Fuck’em & How’...that don’t sound right.
Close, but I think it's just coincidence...
The "G" version is "cheat'em" SER lol
Dewey Cheetham and Howe is the law firm the JTI engages. SER, go wash out your mouth. lmao.
Drew, it might just be coincidence, but knowing them and past practices, the idea came after a visit here.
I don't care to look through endless IP addresses and find their visit. In the past, I would. We've already published IP logs and proven that they steal directly from us. Heck, the few non-AP things they publish are probably stolen from local blogs, except maybe things that are happening right within the downtown area.
To me, they are just a bug on the windshield, not even worthy of a squirt and wipe.
Drew, I think your right. Close, but no cigar. I DO however dislike the fact they use your "Four for Friday's" idea. That REALLY pisses me off.
Imitation is a form of flattery.
I wonder if they actually go onto my blog with all the unknown on there. If they do that I really don't care either. Let them be lazy and copy from what I have gone out to get.
Kk said it best "They are a bug on the windshield".
To me it is nothing to get upset about.
Orbs- Thank you for letting me know about this.
I will post more wildflowers soon.
If the JT wants to copy my photos and Four for Fridays, fine, so be it.
I know I sound callous and carefree about this, but I'm seeing both sides to this story.
The internet is FULL of "sharing". A simple click into Google Imagines provides countless of images, photos and whatnot, all ripe for the picking. I'd be lying if I said I never took a photo from there. My wolf blog is a perfect example of this. I have never seen a wolf in the wild. So what I do for a picture to create an effect? Go to Google Imagines.
HOWEVER, I'd cringe to see to a picture of mine that I have painstakingly took on someone else's article. What can I do about it? Not much. All I could think of is what SER does to his photos, that is, I figure out how to do it.
Photography is a livelihood for some people, for me is a hobby.
Ban them from our site, and sue the bastards...that's what they'd do to us.
Some JTI members were banned, many were censored, and they threatened to sue us when we abdicated. What goes around, comes around... whatever that means. :)
Beejay, they are saying that the storm will go further west from what they initially thought. That should be good for you, right? Do you need to worry about storm surge? With all the politicians down there, all that hot air might fuel the storm. Poor Mike Seidel of the Weather Channel was just on the news. He was in Cuba and getting pretty battered by the winds.
Drew, picking a random picture off the web for a private blog is different than deliberately cruising a specific website, (JTI) then using that information to perform your job... especially without giving credit to the source.
That's okay, they do that every once in a while, like 'stirring the pot' just to see if we are paying attention.
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