Please be careful, my dears, of what you post online.
By the way, I would never use fraudulent means to give clients readings. I don't have minions working online to feed me information about a person. I could never afford minions. More importantly, I don't have to. My crystal ball and my psychic powers are all that I need to do my job. I can even work without the ball, it just takes more concentration.
There's a good ad for Facebook and Twitter
That is so excellent. I would like to show this video to every high school student. They put EVERYTHING out there.
When I google myself, (ego-surfing) my real name shows very little. kkdither, on the other hand is everywhere. It is creepy.
People need to realize that more and more, everything they do online is "attaching" itself to each other. Google, Amazon and all social media sites are pooling information. They say it will enhance your internet experience. It is part of target marketing, but can easily be used against you.
When I Google myself, my dead father appears, still living in the old house. That's great. My mom still gets an occasional piece of junk mail for him, at her new address. He's been dead for 35 years. Talk about an afterlife.
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