Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays after another crazy and busy week. It seems that there is no rested for the wicked..... Just sayin'. Anyways, here are some questions for you.
1) Would you rather have money or love?
2) Do you know how to drive a vehicle with manual transmission?
3) What have you done to make a difference in someone’s life?
4) Do you like buffet restaurants?
Enjoy your weekend!
Tyra Chambliss, 39, cherished mother and devoted caregiver
51 minutes ago
I guess I get to go first today.
1) Love
2) No, I my dad never had a manual car.
3) Being there for the person, not pushing that person into doing what they do not want to do, giving respect and loving that person.
4) Yes
Have a great weekend everyone!
1. Money can't buy me love but it can make me comfortable. I guess a compromise will help you make it through the night. (Can I squeeze in more song lyrics?)
2. Poorly, but I can do it.
3. It is a top goal every day on the job.
4. No. Not only do they encourage you to over eat, the lack of sanitation and so many hands in the mix really grosses me out.
1) Would you rather have money or love?
A. Does't money buy love?
2) Do you know how to drive a vehicle with manual transmission?
A. Yes, when the brakes work
3) What have you done to make a difference in someone’s life?
A. Gave 'em a dollar and told them to go ponder
4) Do you like buffet restaurants?
A. Sure, as long as they serve steak and lobster.
Thanks for asking Drew!
wow, legal...that was really cold...how do you do it????
1. Love.
2. Yes.
3. I don't think I can honestly say I have anybody that feels I made a difference In their life?
4. Yes, but find some (Chinese) don't keep food at proper temp. to be safe. The woman here told me a few weeks ago, that they turn the heat down on the tables between lunch and dinner, so the food doesn't get over cooked, so the food at about 4:30p.m. Is cold. NOT a good thing.
1. love, hands down
2. sure do, but semi auto is way more fun tho, shifting without clutching, good stuff!
3, yesterday, when somebody desperately was in need of being knocked out cold, I walked away and let someone else deal with them. A sick person with a very ugly angry German side should not be allowed in general population til they feel better!
4. yes and no. Yes, if they food is fresh and actually very hot, with a fairly militant person monitoring for things that need fixing/changing/ etc.
From a food safety standpoint, no, not on your life.
1) Would you rather have money or love?
I thought they were the exact same thing...sorry.
2) Do you know how to drive a vehicle with manual transmission?
It only took me 2 weeks after the purchase to move to a different gear, but I finally learned....many people screamed at me in the process....clutch! clutch! CLUTCHHHHHH!!!!!!
3) What have you done to make a difference in someone’s life?
I found it is hard to make people happy...but a piece of cake to p*##
them off.
4) Do you like buffet restaurants?
Yes because everything taste like chicken anyways!!!
Lizardmom, That's funny about the German person. They can be VERY difficult. This fact I know, because my wife Is part German.
1. well been living with one more than the other for quite some time, so I'll go with love as it seems to work for us, but a little of the other would be great to make things a little more fun..
2. roughly, I can make it work but I'll sweat it out..
3. Hmmm, I suppose no matter what you do in life you make a difference, whether it's positive or negative is another story.. I just try to raise my girls to be kind and generous, teach them about empathy and caring for each other and the Earth..
4. yup, They have a great Mongolian BBQ buffet restaurant here that i LOVE.. so delicious..
1. I have love, can I have the money now? :}
2. Yes. My brother-in-law had a truck that shifted on the top - that was not fun to learn.
3. I hope so.
4. Yes. However it does bother me to see extremely obese people in electric carts constantly going back for more. Am I being a beaach?
Thanks Drew
1) Money, it's as gas...Don't give that goody goody bullshit... Definitely love.
2) Let me get this straight...gas, brake and clutch. Stick shift on the right. It's been awhile. I probably could manage with a few jerks here and there.
3) I hope I have done something right.
4) In a given mood, yes, otherwise I prefer to be waited on.
1) Money.
2) Yes.
3) I'd say that's almost impossible to gauge, but I went to a lot of AA meetings and I sponsored people, so I hope I affected some of them positively.
4) Not particularly. I haven't been to many. I remember eating at an Asian one and the food was almost room temperature.
Toad, I don't get angry that often but when it starts boiling, I do scare myself. I'm almost full blood German. My kids, wow, they're a hybrid concoction of all the hot temperaments - German, Polish, Greek and Irish. miss froggy handles it well almost off the time but my youngest, she can be vicious when pushed. that has to be one of the best recipes to come out with a half baked, fully loaded stubborn kid!
1. They say money can't buy love. Well, I would be willing to put that to the test!
2. Yep. Always seems to come back to me pretty quick when I do.
3. I hope teaching has at least knocked a little sense into a few students!
4. Can't say I go to them so if you look at how I vote with my $$$, not really.
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