The Horicon is a vast sprawling wetland that covers over 32.000 acres in size, making it the largest freshwater marsh in the United States. The marsh provides habitat for endangered species, like the Whooping Crane and the Trumpeter Swan , and a critical rest stop for thousands of migratory ducks and geese coming from Canada. Not only waterfowl can be found here, nearly 300 species of birds, White Tailed Deer, Red Fox, River Otters, Muskrats, Snapping Turtles, Garter Snakes, and many other animals call the marsh home. It's an outdoor paradise!
Tender Heart, my son and mine's first stop was at an observation point near Wild Goose Road. Numerous wildflowers like the brilliantly beautiful Golden Ragworts, Orange Milkweeds, Pink Coneflowers, and Late Purple Asters blended with the lush green grasses and cattails, filled the countryside with a rainbow of color. A picture perfect moment! Just over the hill we noticed a small partially dried up pond with a Mallard a a couple of Blue Winged Teals. Fearful of the drought that had stricken Wisconsin, we were hoping this wouldn't be the extent of the wildlife we will see. Undeterred, we moved forward....
Exited the parking and drove westward on 49, thus came my first surprise-a Lesser Yellowlegs! (First picture below)I've only seen a couple of these before at Smolenski Park. The little guy kept walking around, wading into swallow pools, probing its long bill around in search of food. Behind him, were a count of seven Sandhill Cranes hanging around of couple of Canada Geese. Moving down the road along the gravel shoulder I could see the the pond widen up into a small lake. My mouth.... just... dropped!
A cornucopia of birds! It was like the Garden of Eden before my eyes as my count began... One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight Blue Winged Teal -the white crescent markings behind their blue beaks were distinct. Five Mallards were floating along. Oh wait! Another teal sunning itself on a waterlogged stump. A couple of Canada Geese swam by. As I peered into my binoculars deep into the flocks of waterfowl, I could see a Pied Billed Grebe (see first picture below) diving into the water. Safety in numbers they say.... A Great Blue Heron (second picture below) was standing close to the road waiting for a photo opportunity. My camera whirred and clicked in response.
As the car crept forward, I could the crunch of the gravel under the wheels. As the pond was getting wider and wider, the more abundant these winged wonders became...Three Northern Shovelers foraged the waters. Four more Pied Billed Grebes appeared. In the distance, I could see three American White Pelicans bobbing in the water. A Bald Eagle appeared and landed on a tree way in the back. Far too distant for a picture. Twelve Great Egret were sighted in a back swamp. I was starting to get overwhelmed here. Tender Heart grabbed a pen and a receipt from the glove compartment and started to write things down. Coots! (see first picture below) There had to be hundreds of them! I saw at least a hundred of Tree Swallows hovering close the mudflats. I wondered about this bizarre behavior. A Black Crowned Night Heron was sighted. A Double Crested Cormorant was sunning itself with its wings stretched out on a bed of Ring Billed Gulls. (see second picture below). Eight more Sandhill Cranes flew overhead. In the distance, I could see something in the tall grass with a long tan white neck and white body. A juvenile Whooping Crane? No. A later look in my photos revealed it was a Trumpeter Swam. A good find!
awesome pictures, Drew!
Thanks for the extensive pictures and blog, drew.
Thanks Drew - what a nice way to start the morning by looking at beautiful pictures.
WOW! Do you do this for a living? You should! GREAT pictures.Peaceful and sweet compared to what's in the paper. THANKS!
Very nice Drew.
I like it too. Thanks, drew.
Thanks! All pictures were taken with my Sony DSC-H2 Camera. Not exactly a wildlife friendly camera like the pros use. I have been eyeballing a Canon EOS 40D and some telescopic lens for some time now. Anybody got a thousand bucks to spare?
Sassa, I'd LOVE to trade my factory work for a career in wildlife photography. I would rather deal with Mother Nature over obnoxious customers and co-workers any day. I looked up the pay scale for a pro photographer and found out that it was about the same as I make now. And that probably does not include travel expenses. Besides, how much is the demand for pictures when they are free from Google Images and posted all over the Internet? It's something I'm still looking into.
Great shots and the story to go with them...........THANKS!
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