"$240,000 that’s it. To keep a fire station open and not lose 3
firefighters. As on July 2011 our population was 78,853. That amounts to
$3.08 per resident. The cost of a good cup of coffee, a happy meal, or a
gallon of milk.
"Guess that is too expensive for the Mayor of Racine. Humble Park Fire
Station may be forced to close, response times that have already risen
since the City of Racine shut down the Marquette Station will rise even
"The City talks of Quality of Life for residents, zoos, beaches,
Festival Hall. For the Racine Fire Department quality of life to them,
means saving someones life, possibly stopping a house from burning
down.To first responders the most important time is the first 5 minutes
not what happens after 5 hours.
"In this day and age a persons house during a fire can flash over in 3
minutes and 30 seconds. Not a lot of time, even more of a chance for
loss of life and total destruction to your home or business if Mayor
Dickert has his way with the cut. The Racine Fire Department did a time
study, their study shows that in normal traffic for a RFD unit to get
from Lombard Ave to the Southside of Racine 18 minutes. Does anyone
want to wait 18 minutes in an emergency?"
Read more:
Meanwhile, Team Porter's is going to get over a million tax dollars to start playing around with their failed store. Why don't they use their own money to rehab their building? Because lying John will give them our money instead, thereby reducing their liability to zero in case of failure. Then, we, the citizens, suck it up. In case of success, Team Porter's profits. It's win-win for Team Porter's and lose-lose for Team Racine Taxpayers.
What can $1.6 million get you in Caledonia?
2 hours ago
City Of Racine officials continue to deny economic reality and spend millions on frivolous projects while the tax base continues to decline. While the city plans to increase borrowing and debt service costs for 2013, it begins to cut services to fund its debt for which it has nothing but more liabilities to show for it. The city's failure to attract new businesses to expand the tax base has destroyed property values and is causing homeowners great distress. Racine leads the state in unemployment and foreclosures happen at the rate of more than one per day.
What building Is that burning In the Photo?
Questions, Is the 16th St. Station still open? What about the station on Lathrop and Washington? Just asking.
My sister lives about a block from the Humble Park station. I'm fairly certain they are concerned, as are ALL the businesses In the area. You people are really being taken to the cleaners.
A few years back, I had the need of emergency services and the closest station was out on another call. The next closest station was also tied up at a downtown "run." It took over 25 minutes for the ambulance to get to my house. It had to come from across town.
This is unacceptable service. I had to call back 3 times because it was taking so long and my child lost consciousness. I could have personally driven my child to the emergency room in about 8 minutes. Darn good thing there was no lasting repercussions to the delay. Is the the new normal service time we will have to expect?
Why are you all mad? Look at the things being accomplished by Mayor Dickert.....1.2 million to develop housing in the Porters building on 6th street. 1.2 million givin to Delta Hawk manufacturing in exchange for 100 jobs (they've created 5) 425K on bathrooms, 750K on police overtime.....
Journal Times story:
The 16th St. Station is on the Fire Dept's web page so I assume it's still active.
The burning building is an image I got from the net.
Dont forget $900k for the roundabout. Dickert spends like he is in Las Vegas. I'm suprised he hasn't pawned the yellow tie yet.
Ya think Santa could bring me a AC-130 Gunship to clean up City Hall with?
So much for the new bathrooms....
Maybe if lying John screws with the city unions enough, they'll go on strike. Then there will be NO services. I wonder if the rest of Racine would care then. Maybe not...
All will take is a recall. Dickert makes the Bay of Pigs fiasco look like a victory.
"Ya think Santa could bring me a AC-130 Gunship to clean up City Hall with?"
Orb's, Thanks for the link, Now I know. That fire, where ever It was must have been amazing. I remember when Brannum Lumber burned. Big, Big, fire.
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